Chapter 17: Here We Go Again

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Warning: There's a bit more cussing in this one and some knife wounds/stabbing. Please be aware if these things bother you.

I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡


Earlier that day...

Thomas's POV

I woke up to the front door opening. "Shit." I snapped my head over to where Alice's two brothers walked in the door.

Too late now..

"WHAT.. THE HELL. Is THIS??" The Colton yelled.

"Shh. She's sleeping."
That probably just made things ten times worse.

"Jared... You told me he was dead." He glared as flames seemed to erupt around his face.

Colton walked over and took out a small syringe, not hesitating to inject Alice with the unknown liquid.

As soon as he had her moved off of me I leapt up and punched him in the jaw.

Jared grabbed me from the back and started to cut off my air supply with his forearm.

I threaded my leg between his in an attempt to knock him off balance, but Before I could get him to the ground, a hard punch was laid to my kidney, effectively making me crouch over in pain.

"Get him downstairs. I need to take care of her."

I broke away from Jared's grip and flipped around so I was behind him. I punched him once in the liver and once in the temple.

I shoved him down the stairs while he was off balance and made my way to the kitchen to find a knife.

"COLTON! HE GOT AWAY!" Jared yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh chill." I muttered as I found a steak knife. "Perfect."

I turned to see Colton sprint down the stairs and storm toward me.

"You two really need to work on your coordination."

"The more you talk the worse you make it on yourself." He growled

I took a defensive stance as I said the words I knew would set him off, "You already tried to kill me once."


Hours later

I woke up with pain ringing through my head.

The bright lights above me made me groan as I tried to open my eyes.

I was sat in a metal chair in an empty room. Jared stood behind me in the corner and Colton stood ahead of me near the door, multiple wounds bleeding from the fight we had upstairs.

"Just so you know. Drugging someone in the middle of a fight?.. Cheating." I said casually as I fought off a head rush.

Hm. They didn't even tie me up this time.
"So what are you beating me up for now?"

"I'm going to ignore the fact that this is all Jared's fault.. for now..." Colton gave a pointed look at Jared.

"What?" Jared said defensively

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