Chapter 14: Safe

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My eyes were still held firmly closed and my hand clasped my parents' hands. I think I've actually cut off the circulation. Their hands feel. Cold.

I opened my eyes and let out a breath.
"We... We survived..!"

I glanced at my parents' and gasped as I saw their bloodied faces.

I looked down at our hands and saw their pale, lifeless hands still resting around mine.
"Ah!" I shook off their hands and pressed myself against the wall of the plane.

A horrified groan escaped my mouth as I once again looked up at their mangled bodies.

"Huh- no.. Alice. N-no no.... Alice! NO NOT AGAIN!"

I shielded my eyes and bawled into my arm.'

"Alice.. Sh-shh. It's alright. Come out of it. It's just a dream." A smooth, deep voice reached in and pulled the horrible scene away from me.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt myself being cradled against someone's body. I was still crying.

"Huh- C-Colton?"

I felt the person sigh against my back.

"No. It's not Colton. It's Thomas."

"Thomas I-"
I was cut off by a sob.

"Shh. It's okay. You're safe.."

I buried my face in his stomach and clutched onto his shirt. Trying my best to sink deeper into his warm, comforting embrace and away from my awful dream.

It was a few minutes that were spent with me simply enveloped in Thomas's arms.

I felt like a small kitten taking a nap in it's owner's lap.

"Alice. You were screaming and thrashing around quite a bit.. Do you need to talk about it?"
Although I still didn't trust Thomas, his voice was so calm and gentle.

Words can't describe how grateful I was to be in his arms right now, especially with how lonely I've been feeling.

"I- don't think I want to talk about it right now.. Did I wake you up? I- I'm Sorry if I did."
I looked up at him through glassy eyes.

He looked down at me and smiled softly. "Don't feel bad. We can't help the things we see in sleep."

"I wish we could.."
I loosed my grip on his shirt and folded my arms around myself.
"Thank you for- Waking me and, you know, comforting me."

"I'm glad it helped. This actually brings back memories for me."


"Yeah. I used to comfort my little sister this exact same way whenever she had nightmares."

"You have a little sister?"
I gazed up at him with a slight smile tugging at my lips.

In contrast, his face hardened at my question and he shifted his gaze to his clasped hands which currently locked me away from any dangers that might be lurking.
"Yes, I did."

"Oh.. I'm sorry... W-when did she- die?"

"Seven years ago..."

"Was she very young?"

I started to see sparkling tears fill his eyes but he blinked them away before answering. "She was almost fourteen.."

"Wow. . If you don't mind me asking... How did she die?" I kept my gaze on his face and regretted asking the question when his face hardened and his jaw clenched.
"You.. you don't have to answer.. If you don't want to.."

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