Chapter 11: The Brothers

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I just sat there. Staring at him. I had relaxed my arm two minutes ago while the knife was still held firmly in my hand.

He shut his eyes and his breathing was a bit labored. At first I thought he had fainted, but every now and then his eye lids would flicker, or he'd shift his body. Letting me know he was still conscious.

I kept waiting for something to happen. I don't really know what. The house to spontaneously combust maybe?

After all, I have strict instructions to stay away from him. In spite of my orders, it's become almost like a hobby. And only three days into camp! Or has it been four...

I studied the man that sat just a few feet in front of me. I finally got a good look at his face in the light and I'm now very sure he's the same age as Jared.

His hair was clean and looking much softer than it did before. His face looked like it got a proper washing. His skin was smooth with two small scars on it; one by his hairline and the other on his cheek near his ear.

And his body- Well he's still shirtless.. That should be enough to spark your imaginations.

There were still many cuts and bruises littering his skin, but I could tell he was healing well because several of the bruises were already starting to turn that disgusting yellow color and most, if not all, the cuts were starting to scar over.

His pants, however, were still covered in blood stains.

I cocked an eyebrow as I wondered what happened to his shirt.

I carefully tip toed past him into the bathroom and almost jumped when I saw the opaque red water that filled the sink.

I pulled up the drain and the water went down to reveal his shirt that still had plenty of blood on it.

"You can't just put something underwater and expect it to magically come clean." I mumbled with a roll of my eyes. Might as well take care of it. I've had enough practice.

I ran the cold water over it and watched as the water came out the faucet clear and drained red from the shirt.

I got to work manually scrubbing and scrubbing until I was worried there wouldn't be any fibers left in the shirt by the time I was done.

After about fifteen minutes the shirt was pretty much clean, some discoloration here and there, but other than that it was looking pretty darn good.

After giving myself a nod of approval, I hung the shirt over the shower curtain rod to dry.

"Thanks..." I whipped my head around to find the guys eyes were open and looking at me. "... Again."

How long has he been watching me?

"You. you're a wake." Alice you already knew he was awake..

"I never really fell asleep... You know, I'm the last person you should be taking care of."

I lowered my eyes in thought as I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why I did all this.

Instead of answering I looked toward the door who's lock had betrayed me and forced all this to happen.

I took the handle and slowly closed the door.

I pushed in the lock on the inside and then unlocked it from the inside.

Okay, but that's normal. Why didn't he just open it before?

I closed the door again. This time before I could try anything else I heard the door lock from the outside.
I panicked and threw the door open, immediately rushing out of the bathroom.

My eyes narrowed as I realized that this whole time it was indeed the lock that didn't work and not some voodoo magic that this random man possessed. But why didn't he open it before today??

He asked. Head still leaning on the side of the door frame.
I sank down to squat on my ankles as I just let myself think through my situation.

"You probably have a lot of questions.."
His eyes were closed as he spoke and it wasn't until he didn't receive a reply that he glanced in my direction. His golden orbs calmly coaxing me in.

I lowered myself all the way down and resumed my earlier position of leaning against my bed. Except this time I wasn't holding a knife.

"Do you know who your brothers are?"

I was about to look at him like he was crazy. But after a small pause I shook my head no.

"Do you want to know?"

After a short pause I nodded.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded once more. This time a little more enthusiastically. I have to know what's going on. I wasn't getting anywhere with asking them directly.

"Well your brothers, Colton and Jared- are those their real names?"

I didn't answer. Not wanting to confirm or deny any personal information.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Anyway, your brothers have become quite the pair. I hate to tell you this but they're pretty widely despied among the local gangs. They just single handedly performed the biggest double cross to happen in the last ten years."

He paused, as if gathering his thoughts together, before continuing his story.

"Everyone knows them to be a part of the Cane gang- which is the gang I am also a part of... We were on a mission, your brothers and I. When it came to light that they'd switched to the Taren gang, Cane's biggest rival, a fight broke out. Apparently they've been secretly working with the Taren's for quite a while. Next thing I know I'm tied up and blindfolded in the back of a truck on my way to this house."

"So.. Are you or are you not an enemy of my brothers?"

"I am.. not a direct threat to them."

I tensed at his vague words.

"I don't mean to hurt them. The only reason why they held me here is because of something that's already happened.. They wanted me dead. But thanks to you, they didn't get their wish." He looked at me with a ghost of a smile. "I know this probably isn't what you wanted to hear. I don't expect you to accept all of this right away. But I assure you I won't hurt you. I just want to get out of here."

He attempted to stand up but he appeared to get dizzy and sat back down again.

Out of instinct I stood up and went straight to the fridge to retrieve a water bottle.

Darn my compassion.

When he saw me standing in front of him with the water bottle he gave me a look, as if analyzing whether I was actually going to give it to him.

I felt like shrinking under his gaze but held my ground knowing that my motives were right.

He conceded and grabbed the water.
"I still don't understand why you're doing this."

"... Can you tell me more about.. The gang?" He looked at me skeptically. "Please, I want to know."

"... I suppose You've earned it. What should I tell you first..?" He sighed

I couldn't tell if the question was rhetorical but I meekly answered, "Could you tell me more about the Cane gang?"

He nodded his head and paused before continuing.




So what side are you on? Mystery guy? Brothers? Or are you caught in the middle like Alice?

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