Chapter 32: Held

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We were on our way to who knows where. Jerry was driving and Gavin was sitting next to him. He had me in the back next to Alice. She wore a blindfold to ensure she wouldn't know where we were, which was a step too far in my opinion, but Jerry wouldn't have it any other way. I really hate him.. Of all the members in Cane, it had to be him.

We arrived at an old building which happens to be the Cane HQ. I wouldn't be quite as uneasy about this whole thing if I didn't know this was also where Cane keeps most of their hostages. Not that they keep many. On occasion the rooms come in handy. "Jerry, why are you taking her here?"

"If we're taunting someone it needs to be realistic. He's not going to care if he sees her living comfortably." He huffed

"Wait, you said see." Alice cut in. It was the first word she'd spoken since we left. "Is he coming here?"

"Of course not." Jerry snapped

Gavin sighed and finished the conversation for him. "He's going to send him pictures. Maybe videos.."

"Of.. Me." Alice's nerves were evident in her tone.

Gavin nodded. "Of you."

I subtly reached my hand over and took hold of her wrist in an attempt to comfort her. She flinched but relaxed soon after.

"What kind of videos will you be sending?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, "What kind of videos would make him do whatever it is you want him to do?"

"I'm not sure yet." Jerry responded nonchalantly, "We'll have to play it by ear, princess." He smirked at her through the rear-view mirror, even though she obviously couldn't see him.

Something about that nickname ignites a fire within me. Every time he says it, I feel like punching him over and over. And I totally would if it weren't for his high status in Cane. If either me or Gavin make one wrong move, it would go straight to the boss and result in our death. It took a lot of work to get to this point. I'd hate to throw it away all because I couldn't control my emotions.

We walked her inside, my hand still clasping her wrist. I took hold of both her wrists to make it look like I was restraining her. I could tell this made her tense, so I leaned down and whispered in her ear. "It's less conspicuous this way." I saw a slight shiver run through her before she relaxed again and we continued into the building.

Once inside, I released her wrists and took off the blindfold. The cold, silvery walls of Cane HQ were normal for me. I'd seen them quite a few times the past couple months, however, this was all new to Alice and her eyes darted around like a nervous kitten. "Don't worry. I'm right here."

"That phrase isn't quite as comforting coming from you as it used to be." She shot back in response. A pang of guilt hit me, but I buried it knowing she had every right to feel that way toward me.

We went down the main hallway to the elevator. My heartbeat sped up when I saw Jerry hit the down arrow. He's taking her to the holding rooms. I knew he'd take this too far. "Jerry. Is this really necessary? She isn't dangerous. She was fine at our house."

He hummed at me like I was a naive child. "This isn't for her, remember? None of this is for her. It's All for her Brother." The smile on his face was sickening.

"Remind me why you hate him so much?" I asked as the elevator doors closed

"Because, he's Taren." He spat

"There are plenty of Taren's to hate."

"But none of them are ex-Cane. NO one should betray someone's trust like that. No one. Don't you agree, Princess?" This guy has got to be excessive compulsive or something. Alice looked up from the ground to stare directly into my eyes. I knew what she was thinking. I've betrayed her trust many times in just the past couple weeks. But she isn't trying to torment or kill me for it. Unless she's planning to.. I honestly feel like I don't know her character as well as I should by this point.

The elevator beeped, signaling it was about to open. "Okay. Time to choose your new room princess." He said with a clap of his hands.

Alice stayed silent. I can tell she's been spending a lot of time around Gavin. "Not feeling talkative today?" Jerry taunted, "Okay then, I guess I get to do the honors. How about that one." He gestured to a door that was halfway down the hall. She followed without a word.

"Am I really going to be held hostage for no reason?" She finally spoke

"No reason? Princess, I already told you the reason. Well, maybe it's more of a cause." He laughed a bit as he spoke, making himself sound borderline crazy. Not that that's too far from the truth.. "You two, stay out here."

"What?" Gavin and I protested in unison

"We need to have a private conversation! This won't work if you're there. It must be as intimate as possible."

"Can't you think of a different word to describe it." Alice stated in disgust.

"Alice, you don't have to do this." I said.

Jerry chuckled and turned to face me. "Yes, She does." There was a dangerous gleam in his eye that made me clench my jaw to keep a very vile name from leaving my mouth.

"I'm going to be out here the whole time." I reassured her, "These rooms aren't sound-proof. If he makes one questionable move, scream. As loud as you can." She nodded at me with eyes full of fear before she turned and was ushered into the room by Jerry.

I turned to Gavin. "We can't let him continue this plan. There's no way he won't take it too far."

"Then why don't you stop worrying, keep your mouth shut and help me figure out a way out of this."

"Well there is one way.." I trailed off

Gavin looked at me and read my thoughts. "Without killing him." He dead panned. I sighed in response and started pacing as my thoughts continued.


Alice's POV

The door closed behind him with a loud thud and my heart felt like it was beating just as loud. "So," The mouse started, "What do you think of your new room?"

I looked around at the grey, stone walls. There was a cot in the corner and a sink and toilet in the opposite corner. It looked like a prison cell. "I picked this room especially for you. You know why? Look up there." I followed where he was pointing and saw what looked like a mirror near the ceiling.

"What is that for?" My voice quivered.

"That is for anyone who wants to check in on you. Of course, your two friends don't know that. If they did, it would be like cheating." Cheating what? Is this some sort of sick game? This guy has serious problems..

"People are going to be watching me?"

"Not all the time. Mostly, it'll be me. Just to check and make sure you don't try to do anything foolish."

"How long are you going to keep me here?"

"As long as necessary. It depends how cooperative your Brother is."

"I thought you didn't want anything from him. How would he cooperate?"

He huffed out a laugh. "I guess I haven't worked out that detail yet." My stomach tensed.  Suddenly, being stuck in my room at my Brother's house doesn't sound so bad. "Now, I've answered enough of your questions. Let's get down to business. What is the easiest way to make you cry, princess?"




WHAAAT??? Next chapter coming soon!!(Like either later today or tomorrow 'cause I want to get to the good parts)

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Thanks for reading!! ♡♡♡

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