Chapter 12: You Shouldn't Stare...

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He paused before starting his explanation.

"The Cane gang's name is known throughout the country. We were once the most feared gang out there. Our power was unmatched due to our ambitious and ruthless leader. He eventually started to go insane and in 2005 the first successful mutiny in the Cane gang took place. The new leader totally transformed the system. Instead of being despised, Cane became respected.
We are now the most powerful and dangerous gang out there. No one in Cane has taken an innocent man's life in the past fifteen years.
We are in close contact with the mafia. It's actually rumored that half of Cane's funding comes from the Italian mafia, but I'm doubtful of that."

"Second from the top is the Taren gang. They're extremely reckless. Trying to gain our power by acting as we once did... We.. We lost a lot of people to the Taren gang. Most of them got shot out of spite just for being recognized as a Cane."

"Your brothers have managed to work with both Cane and Taren. Which is one reason why they're so dangerous to anyone who comes against them."

My brain started to think of my brothers as the bad guys in this situation and My heart started to hurt.

"How am I doing?" He asked in an attempt to keep the mood neutral.

I turned my gaze to the floor in front of me when the man shifted his gaze to meet mine. I can't look him in the eyes right now. Why would my brothers start working for Taren if it's not as good as Cane? They're so violent. How many people have they killed already?

I felt like a statue. I couldn't even feel my breathing.

I entered my mental safe room and just sat there trying to remove myself from anything and everything.

This is happening. "Alice?" This is real. This is actually happening right now. "Alice." My brothers.. Are not my brothers... Are they?

My eyes snapped toward the voice that was calling my name.

I dropped back into reality and realized my breathing had turned into hyperventilating.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His eyes and voice laced with concern.

My hands gripped the carpet beneath me. "Is.. Is this real..? This- I mean.. I'm not dreaming.. Right?"

He sighed and gave me a sympathetic look. He didn't answer my question. He didn't need to. I knew the truth..

Just. Working on accepting it.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I decided to wash his pants as a desperate attempt to escape the heavy atmosphere

Without a word I got up and walked to my brother's room, ignoring the guy's questions about whether or not I'm okay. Jared's room was unlocked, oddly enough, and I grabbed a random pair of sweat pants from his drawer.

The guy flinched when I appeared back into the room and chucked the sweatpants at him. "Go change out of those and put these on."

He looked at me with a challenging glint in his eye that warned me about my respect levels. "P-please." I added while shrinking back a bit

"Why are you still helping me? You know I'm not any better than your brothers."

I looked up from the ground and nibbled on my lip, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

He sighed and stood up, walking into the bathroom with the sweat pants in his hand.

A minute or two later he came out of the bathroom. Still without a shirt.

He was a bit skinnier than Jared and I blinked a few times at the sight of the low hanging sweatpants.

"You shouldn't stare. Especially not at me."

My eyes snapped to meet his and I blinked a few times before my thoughts caught up with me.
"Why the emphasis? What makes you so different from any other guy?"

He let out a scoff
"Look. I don't know what kind of guys you normally hang out with, but I'm much worse than you think. You should be treating me as a threat. Maybe think about actually using that knife."

His words confused me and I couldn't help but wonder why he was trying so hard to push me away.
"Well, You can't be worse than my brothers. After what you've told me I see them as the enemy more than you."

"But I Am worse."

I cocked my head in silent question.

He picked up on this and explained.
"The reality is, I've been doing exactly what they're doing but for at least twice as long."

"And.. what are they doing?" I'd rather know who I'm dealing with than be kept comfortably in the dark.

He gave me a pointed look "Alice.. It's safer if you don't know the details. Just let this one drop."

My heart jumps everytime he says my name, not in a romantic way.
He always drags out the 'ce' in my name.. the first time I heard it, it sounded weird but.. It's growing on me.

"What's your name?" I blurted out.

"Why do you want to know?"

I just glowered at him in response.

"Okay fine. It's against my better judgement, but.. my name is- Thomas."

"Thomas.." I mused. "That's a nice name. My childhood crush's name was Thomas."

"And I'm already regretting telling you."

I rolled my eyes, currently feeling my confidence feed back into me.

I looked down at the bloody pants that were hanging over my arm. "Oh right. I don't think the sink and some hand soap is enough to get these stains out. There's a laundry room downstairs"

I gestured for him to follow me as I started walking out the door.
Stop being friendly! You don't know what this guys has done nor what he's capable of!

And until I find out, I'm lonely and bored and I'm stuck with him.

Once I turned into the laundry room I was startled by how much of a mess it was. Full of dirty laundry but also some clean laundry mixed in. I took a deep breath as I began to sort the clothes into darks and lights.

"I guess they haven't totally changed." I muttered while shoving clothes into the washer.

"I don't mean to be rude."
I gasped and jumped up right at hearing Thomas' voice ring through the room.

I turn to see him leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, still shirtless bythe way. I gave him a once over before I could stop myself and face palmed when it was clear he saw me do it.

"Is there anymore food around here?" He asked after a short pause. I could tell he was fighting back a smirk.

"Um, yeah. There's a pantry in the kitchen that has plenty of food in it. Take whatever you want."

"Aren't we feeling magnanimous today."

"What does that have to do with it? You're not my enemy! I think I've made that clear. And I've been extremely generous with you this whole time. There's nothing new about it."

I stuck up my nose and continued my task.

I heard him sigh quietly as he turned to go to the kitchen.

I exhaled slowly as if I had just been holding my breath. "Man he scares me.."



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Have a wonderful day aaaaaand

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