Chapter 16: going huntin'

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Alice's POV

I woke up in my bed. The sun shining through the window and the birds quietly chirping.

I stretched out and an unexpected smile crossed my lips. That is.. Until I regained all of my consciousness.

I remembered last night and pursed my lips. "Well that happened..." I said with a tinge of humor as I remembered dozing off in Thomas' lap.
"Maybe I'm losing it.."
I do feel a little loopy..

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Thomas tucking me into bed. All without waking me!

I looked over to the clock and flinched when the time said it was almost 3 P.M. "Geez! how tired was I?"

I kicked the covers off and headed straight for the bathroom.

I wasn't surprised when Thomas wasn't in there. He's probably downstairs being productive.. like watching a cooking show or something...

I don't know that seems like something he would do..

After my morning routine I changed into some shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

I skipped through the hall and practically skipped down the stairs.

Why am I so energetic. I just feel like I'm on cloud nine. It doesn't really feel like happiness though. It somehow feels.. Synthetic. Weird.

My smile lessened when there was no sign of Thomas downstairs either.

Should I call him?
No I don't think that's a good idea..
Or we can just do it anyway.

It's not like I ever take my own advice.

I walked to the laundry room. No sign of him. I checked the downstairs bathroom. Nada.
I checked the pantry, even though that would only be a logical bet if I were the one being looked for.

I hummed in thought. I checked all of the rooms upstairs and, on a whim, checked the front door. Still locked.

I sighed in confusion.
"Where could he.. And I already checked the office.."

I felt my stomach twinge when I realized there's one place I've never checked. A place I've never even been.

The basement..

Oh come on, Alice. Basements never scared you before.

"Yeah but those basements were never owned by your murdering, killing, gang member brothers..."

My argumentative thoughts went silent.

"See. I have good arguments sometimes."

I rambled to myself uncontrollably as I slowly made my way down the stairs, trying my best to keep my nerves at bay.

I turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs only to be met with a hallway that looked just like the upstairs, drawing a sigh through my lungs as I dropped my head. "If I get through this little venture alive, I swear I'm going to burn every wall in here."

As I was about to start "exploring" I found myself feeling very naked. I had no weapon and no protection. 

"Right. Let's take a recess and come back in a few minutes."

With that I sprinted back up the stairs as quickly and as quietly as possible.

I ran all the way up to my room and grabbed my knife and a lighter, because I promised that I would burn the walls down so I'm gonna need that.

"Is it logical? Not at all. But at this point I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it. Why am I thinking out loud so much? Shut up, Alice."

Looking in the mirror, I looked more like a hobo than a girl on a mission.

I wore the baggiest sweat shirt I could find and, for the current lack of a better option, Thomas' cargo pants.

Thankfully, I had my brothers buy a belt which was currently the only thing holding the pants over my shorts.

"And one last thing." I fixed my hair and put on a black ball cap, tilting it forward so it barely covered my eyes.

"Okay little miss badass. This'll have to do. Let's get it."

I walked out of my room and went straight down the stairs to the basement.

I approached the nearest door and gave the handle a jiggle, "And behind door one..."

"Why are they always Locked?!" I whisper screamed.
"Fine. Let's go to the next one." My heart beat was going crazy but I ignored it, knowing I wouldn't be able to quit until I knew what happened to Thomas.

I came to the second door which was along the same wall as the first.

This time I leaned my ear next to the door before trying to open it.

I seriously don't know what's wrong with my brain today.

My eyes widened as I heard a man yelling- more like screaming from the inside.
"Oh.. my-'




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