Chapter 5: Right... Food.

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I was awoken by the sound of the door knob jiggling. My heart started racing with anticipation.

With my body in this condition, I don't think I could come out of another fight alive.

I stilled when the movement stopped and no one came in.

The building suspense was killing me and I flinched when the knob jiggled once again. I accidentally let a groan push through my lungs when I shifted over a particularly soar bruise.

My heart continued to race and didn't show any signs of slowing. That is, not until I heard the sound of someone running through the hall. I strained my ears to hear the person run and jiggle another door knob. And then more running, and the turn of a knob and the slamming of a door right next to where I was.

That was weird.. The running sounds seemed to come from someone much lighter and.. smaller, than the brothers who brought me here.

And why would they be running around trying to open locked doors that they should have the keys to open..

I vaguely remember the voice of a girl when I was first brought here, but I was blindfolded at the time so I couldn't see what she looked like.

I heard movement in the room next to me. I sat still and listened. I wasn't really close to the wall so it was challenging to hear. But it sounded like she, assuming it's the girl from earlier, was unpacking?

Is she living here then? Is she part of the Cane gang? I know she's not part of the Taren gang.. Maybe.. No. Is that their sister? I think I heard her yelling at Colton while I was in the other bathroom.

"You can't go near him, understand?! Alice, promise me!!

"Okay! I just want to know why! Why is he here? Who is he? What's going on here??"

"You couldn't have had worse timing."

"Well I'm sorry. It's not like there's anything I could do to prevent our parents' death."

So, if my deducting skills are still what they were when I was in better health, I would say she's not part of either gang, which makes sense. She must've come here after the plane crash.

She called them "our" parents so that confirms she is, indeed, their younger sister.. This just got a whole lot more interesting.

She sounded so broken.. And scared..

As if I'm one to talk. I'm basically in the same boat as she is. Give or take a few cuts and bruises.

At that moment The door that lead to her room suddenly swung open.


And with that the door slammed shut. The knob shifted and shook a bit until the lock clicked. Then everything fell silent again.

The look of pure horror and shock that painted her face would've been comical if I hadn't felt my heart pop out of my chest when the door flew open.

I heard something slide down the door. I can only assume it was her.

It took a while for me to calm down after that. When that door opened I was sure I needed to fight someone. Even though I know I'd lose. I've got a gag over my mouth, hands tied securely behind my back, and practically no strength. My chances aren't exactly the best.

After what felt like hours, I was able to coax myself to fall asleep. I needed all the strength I could get at that point.


Alice's POV

I don't know how long I sat against the door. Maybe twenty minutes.

I sat there just staring across the room. Not looking at anything specific, not thinking about anything specific.

My body was tense and I'm sure if I tried to move I would feel achy. But right now I feel as though the only way to stay safe is to just sit still and do nothing. Touch nothing. Think of nothing.

Well.. those were the rules I was following up until my stomach gurgled informing me that this stagnant state could only last so long...

"Right.. food... Pantry sounds like a good place to start." I got up with a wobble and a few cracks and made my way downstairs where my brother's had just returned.



I know it's pretty early in the book buuut... what do you think so far?
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