Chapter 8: Braver Than I Thought

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I woke up to the feeling of a burn on my wrists and I almost choked on my sandpaper-like tongue.

Wait.. I can feel my tongue. The gag is out.

My eyes shot open and I tensed up, ready for anything despite my body's protests.

I relaxed a bit once my eyes focused and I was able to recognize the bathroom I'd been tied up in for the past two days.

I moved my hands to rub my face but winced when I felt the ropes drag against my soar wrists.

... That's new.

I looked at the rope to find that one part of it has been cut..
I slowly unraveled it and looked at it skeptically.

Who would do this?

Certainly not the brothers. If they did this to me it's because they were gonna tie me up some other way and probably kill me...

So that just leaves the girl.. Alice.. But. Why would she? She practically had a Heart attack when she walked in before.

As I looked at my hands I noticed how clean the floor around me looked. Did she clean the floors too? Clearly the person I've been dealing with is different from what I expected..

My confusion only grew as I turned my head and found a miracle in front of my very eyes.

Two water bottles, a sliced up Apple, and a meat and cheese sandwich.

The apple looked a little brown. It must've been sitting there for a while.

I looked out the window to see the sky just before the sunrise. It must've been about 5 AM.

I grabbed one water bottle and did my best to sip on it, knowing that in the end that would help more than chugging the whole thing.

It didn't occur to me until after I'd finished the first water bottle that any of this could be drugged; But I didn't feel anything strange except the feeling that comes from drinking a lot of water on an empty stomach.

I picked up the sandwich and dissected it, using every one of my senses, except hearing of course, to check for anything suspicious.

"Well.. It looks clean.." I mumbled reassembling the now sloppy looking snadwich.

I took the first bite. expecting the worst. When I didn't collapse or blackout, I was able to get distracted by how good it tasted.

I closed my eyes in bliss. It wasn't anything special, but my stomach gurgled in response to finally receiving the food it needed.

Now I'm very sure it was the girl who did this. The Brothers would never do anything like this. But when..? She must've snuck in while I was asleep.

The thought of me being so deep in sleep caused me to worry. I have to stay alert in this place.

I guess that girl is braver than I thought. I huffed out a laugh and went back to eating the sandwich.

All that I left was half of the second water bottle. I could already feel myself regaining strength now that I had some fuel in my system.

I wanted to thank her somehow, but I didn't know how.. I'm kind of in a complicated situation. I attempted to stand up and succeeded. That is, until I felt the sandwich try to rise out of my stomach. I collapsed to my knees over the toilet, trying my hardest to keep the food down.

I felt beads of sweat roll down the sides of my face as I fought back powerful heaves. The drops of perspiration took some blood with them as small, light red polka dots started to litter the porcelain.

My body shook and it took all my strength to fight against what my stomach was commanding. I didn't know when I'd get food again and I couldn't afford to give up what I've been given.

In hind sight, I really should have saved some of the food instead of just scarfing it down in one sitting, but it's too late now.

After a few shaky deep breaths I could feel my stomach calm down, though the cramoed, achy feeling lingered. I opened my eyes and noted how blurry my vision was.

Every muscle in my body started to give out and I once again blacked out against the bathtub.



Have you ever successfully kept yourself from throwing up?

Too gross?

Yeah, that's pretty gross...
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Thanks for sticking with my story thus far. Ur the best!! ♡♡♡

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