Chapter 10: The Second Encounter

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I gently put my hand on the knob and my jaw fell slack when it turned with little encouragement. I composed myself and prepared for whatever I might find on the other side of this door.

I pulled it open only to be met with a small figure with steel blue eyes.

Out of surprise, she fell backwards butt first and let out a yell as she crawled backwards to put more space between us.

"S-stay right there! Don't..!" She twisted her body violently as she searched for something.
She lunged to the side and grabbed what looked like a small knife.

After struggling to open it with spastic movements, she thrusted her arm forward and shakily aimed the knife at me. "Don't move."

I had to try really hard not to crack a smile. I cleared my throat to help conceal my amusement. "Looks like I caught you at a bad time. Sorry. Hang on let's try this again."

I softly closed the door again and let a grin take over my face. Cute. A few seconds later I heard the lock click and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Looks like she didn't go with her brothers.

I shouldn't be laughing right now. I should already be out the door and on my way somewhere else. But the whole situation is so comical I just can't help it. Besides, I'm in no hurry to leave. I don't know that I'd make it very far anyway.

After about five minutes I decided it was time to try again.

"Here we go.." I hid my smile and got ready to open the door again.


Alice's POV

He closed the door again and I stared at the door with tightly knit brows. I slowly lowered my knife, too busy trying to keep up with my thoughts to stay on guard.

Th-the door was locked.. and he... He... He was half naked..

I jumped to my feet and locked the door again.

He.. Well he's in very good shape, But that's not the point! I'm sure the door was locked!

But then.. He didn't kill me.. He didn't run..

He just closed the door again.. It was like he was being playful..  That doesn't make sense.

I returned to my position against my bed with my knife hand resting on my knee.

I stared at the door as I tried to calm my racing heart. It was going okay until the door opened again.

"Wait!!" I pointed my knife at him again. Fully aware of the fact that I had no idea how to use it in a fight.

"Okay. So now we know, the handle doesn't lock from the outside."
He said slowly

I just sat there. Eyes wide and burning with adrenaline and fear.

He looked at me with quiet eyes. As if he were judging what to say off of how I reacted.

I must admit with guilt, it was hard to keep my eyes on his face when he had a whole six pack just out in the open.

But I kept my eyes glued to his face. Fear winning over hormonal reactions at the moment.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." His tone seemed sincere but I couldn't bring myself to relax. I didn't know this man but I knew he was part of a gang, and that's enough to put me on guard for as long as necessary.

"You don't seem to believe me.. I guess I can't blame you. But let's look at my odds. You, young, energetic, holding a very sharp looking knife. And then me. Bruised, covered in bruises actually, and cuts.. Um.." he shrugged, "Most likely recovering from severe blood loss."

He spoke calmly and his words almost made me relax. But I wasn't there yet.

Well you were in there washing his face just a over an hour ago, what changed?

I fought off an eye roll. My Subconscious is really annoying sometimes.

He suddenly sighed and put his hand to his head. He braced himself against the frame of the bathroom and slowly sank down so he was sitting with his back to the door.

He clasped his eyes closed as if he were avoiding seeing a scary scene in a horror show.

With his eyes closed he started to speak again. "I'm sorry if I frightened you." He said a bit breathlessly. "Did- .. Were you the one who gave me the water? and the food?"

I still didn't answer but it seemed he didn't need me to. 

"Thank you. I think I would've died without it. Of course, I almost threw it up again. Nothing against you. I just ate too fast."

Listening to him babble made me forget why my arm was so tired "I was wondering about that." I shut my eyes in disappointment.

Way to stay focused Alice.
"Did you take off the gag? And- cut the rope?"

Well it's too late to pretend you can't talk.. I sighed in defeat. "Yes."

"Also.. You were the one who washed my face, weren't you."

I avoided eye contact and nodded my head as my cheeks grew red. 

"Thank you again. If you don't mind my asking.." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Why did you do it? For me of all people."

I softly shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.
"I wish I could tell you." I said with a sigh.



You guuuuuuys I think they're bonding.

Okay, maybe they aren't bonding (yet?). *evil smirk*

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