Chapter 15: You should be afraid

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I migrated over to the living room and sat on the couch adjacent to the girl.

From Thomas' position on the couch, he glanced at the girl who sat adjacent to him on the chair. He allowed his gaze to linger lingered for a while. He saw her start shifting in her seat and, biting back a smile, turned his gaze back on the tv, but not his thoughts.

"Are you afraid of me..?" He asked. Keeping a steady gaze on the commercial that now played.

For a while the only sound was the tv as Alice simply stared at him with wide eyes.

She spaced out as she mulled over the answer of his question. "No." She said thoughtfully.

Thomas bit his lips together at her answer. ".. you should be.."

She raised her eyes and they met his. The intense stare didn't last long before Thomas sighed and stood to return to Alice's bedroom. Leaving no room for question or argument.


Alice's POV

I stared blankly at my fingers as they lazily tangled and untangle with each other.

I must be afraid of him... He killed his sister! He's killed many other people too, I'm sure! But I'm not.. something about him makes me trust him. Why?
As I dug within myself I found many fears. a fear of my brothers, and a fear of my unpredictable future.

But not once could I muster up any fear for this man. A man I don't really know.

He's a murderer.. I should be scared of him...

"Why can't I be scared of him.." I whispered into the empty room.

I curled into the chair as the sun set behind me and the warmth of the day started to morph into a cold, cloudless dusk. The chirping of birds gradually turned into the twittering of crickets.

I held back a yawn and a chill shook my body as heavy eyelids forced the darkness from outside to overtake my consciousness.


The nightmare from last night repeated itself tonight. This time it seemed twice as terrifying.

I woke up with a jolt as my breath ran ragged.

My hands pressed against my forehead and the sweat slipped from my hairline as the horrific dream tried to penetrate my thoughts.

I heard a sigh come from the couch and realized Thomas was the one to wake me again.

I sniffed before wiping my hands away from my face, taking most of the sweat with them.

Thomas sat on the couch, his elbows on his knees. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and angled his head to look at me. I turned and blinked away some of the tears that hadn't fallen yet.

I rubbed my nose and continued to calm myself down with Thomas still watching attentively.

The air in my lungs still hitched occasionally but the sweat on my skin was completely dry.

My mind blanked and tried to get me back to sleep, but the cold that seeped from the window intensified and I couldn't help trembling as it made it's way within my exhausted body.

"Alice.." At the sound of his voice I turned and looked at him with cold, weary eyes.

In contrast, his warm, golden eyes seemed to trap me and I saw him rub the space next to him on the couch. Silently beckoning me to sit next to him.

I hesitated but the look in his eyes told me it wasn't my decision to make.

I felt something stir within me as I made my way over to him slowly, as if I was under his control, never losing eye contact.

I turned to sit down, but before I touched the couch I felt a strong grip grab my hips and pull me so I sat right on top of his lap.

He shifted to a position where we could both be comfortable and let out a relieved sigh. "Now isn't this better than shivering in that chair like a homeless puppy?" He asked.

His breath fanned my ear as he spoke and I shivered at the sensation.

"Don't tell me you're still cold." He tilted his head to the side so he could look at my face.

"N-no. Um. Why did you..?"

"Because I figured if I motioned to where you're sitting currently, you wouldn't have come. Then again I haven't been able to predict anything you do so far..."

He left his sentence unfinished as if leaving space for me to answer a question that hasn't been asked.

"You're right. I wouldn't have." With new found strength I started to struggle against his grip.

Instead of letting me go he clasped his hands together, his arms now acting as a human seat belt.

I stopped struggling and let myself rebuild some stamina as I thought of a new plan.


He chuckled. "Yes?"

"Are you going to let me go?"

He hummed back at me playfully as if trying to decide what to do.

"Thomas." I said in a warning tone

"Alice." He mocked back. Someone's feeling familiar tonight. And annoyingly playful. As much as I'd love to play... I tried to pull his arms apart by the wrists but that got me no where. Eventually I was just flailing my arms and legs in an attempt to loosen and shake myself free, but he didn't budge.

I started to grow tired once again but didn't cease trying to get away.

As I was about to execute my final attempt, which I believed would be the one to grant me my freedom, his arms tugged me back into him and held so tight I could barely move.

My breathing shallowed as I felt his breath against my ear once again, this time with a much closer proximity.

Thomas's POV

As she sat there frozen in my grasp, I could tell she was about to move again, something I learned to pick up on from experience. Before she had the chance, I moved in close so my lips were just barely touching her ear.

"Shhh." I whispered. Effectively stopping all movement. I could tell every muscle in her body was tensed as tight as ever. "Just relax."

I felt a chill run through her and I smirked as her muscles gradually started to disengage.

Such an obedient one you are..
I thought to myself.

I felt her sigh against me as we both sank further into the couch. I knew she was tired and being her personal heater is the least I can do after what she's done for me.

The warmth of our bodies started to meld together and her breathing evened, indicating that she was already on her way to a deep sleep.

I ignored the voice in my head that said I shouldn't be doing this and allowed myself to drift off to sleep as well. Placing a gentle kiss on top of her head before my eyes fell shut.



WHOOOOA!!! That's not what I would call proper social distancing!!! But like wow. I think their relationship skipped ahead by a couple milestones.. Just a few.

Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to leave a comment and a vote! ♡♡♡

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