chapter 36: Photographs

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Everything was peach colored. Not just pink, but also yellow and even hints of red. There were fluffy clouds painted with these colors. It was all so serene. If I could, I would stay in this moment all day.

And I really debated doing just that until, "OH MY GOD IS SHE DEAD??"
I bolted upright and nearly fell off the couch. Wait, I thought I was on the table..?

I whipped my head around to find Lucas bent over the couch laughing his head off.

I groaned as I tried not to pass out from the major head rush I was experiencing. "This has been a very trying day. I didn't think anything could make it worse, but thank you for proving me wrong."

I got back on the couch with a stretch and a groan. How long was I asleep? Obviously I was sleeping deep enough for them to move me to the couch. The worst part is, I'm still exhausted.

I tried to stand until I remembered my wrapped ankle. "Don't move. Don't want much excess weight on that ankle until tomorrow." Lucas instructed

"So I'm stuck on the couch all day?"

"Unless there's somewhere else you'd rather be."

"What if I have to go to the bathroom?"

"Then I will take you there. You can probably manage the rest on your own." I huffed and dropped my head. I didn't want to concede for pride reasons, but I couldn't find any other objections. Having to stay sitting for a while didn't sound so bad.

"Here's your lunch." Lucas set a plate down on the coffee table and my eyes widened at the familiar looking sandwich.

"Wait, is that..?"

"The sandwich that's better than sex? Yeah, it is." He said with a cheeky smile

I scrunched my nose at his remark.
"Can't you just forget that? I was tired and hungry and probably delirious. Besides, it's embarrassing."

He leaned in as if he were telling a secret. "I know. Why would I bring it up if it weren't?"
Unbelievable. It really is like having another brother..

I let out an exasperated sigh and shifted my focus onto the glorious sandwich that sat in front of me just begging to be devoured.

"So. As you were healing me," I spoke to Gavin as he sat in his normal chair "I can't help but wonder how much trouble you two are in for breaking me out of Cane headquarters." I added air quotes around the name "I mean, the vermin is dead... like dead dead. Isn't he related to your boss or something?"

"Yeah, so?" Lucas asked. Apparently oblivious to the problem

"SO. Isn't that kind of a problem for you? I mean it was you who got me out of there."

"Correction." Gavin chimed in. "It was your Brother who shot him and got you out of there, we only helped finish the task. Of course, it was also him who shot Lucas."

"What?!" I stood from my seat, much to my ribs' discontent as well as my ankle's. "Why??" I hissed as I slowly lowered myself back to sitting.

Gavin merely shrugged his shoulders. "Probably for both our benefit and his."

"But that doesn't make any sense!"

"Hm. No," Lucas started, "No it does make sense. He needed to make it obvious he was only there to get you. If anyone else from Taren had witnessed us teaming up, they'd begin to suspect his loyalty. Likewise for us. So of course he had to target one of us to make it obvious he just wanted to get you back and nothing more. No cahoots involved."

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