Chapter 44: Dreams, Nightmares, Reality.

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There were two ends of the spectrum, one below and one above; one dark and one light. I stood suspended in the middle of the two on a single tower. It was the only solid ground in sight. Though it was slim, I didn't fear the threat of falling. Somehow, I knew that as long as this one piece of ground was here, I would be safe. Then suddenly I looked down and the ground was no longer there. I started falling deeper and deeper into the dark until I could barely see the light.

With one hand stretched toward the light as a final attempt to escape my inevitable fate, I bolted upright in bed, cold sweat lining my face and my back. "What-" I looked around the room in a panic. My eyes froze and focused on something that wasn't supposed to be there, "Torin??" I saw his frozen silhouette leaning against the corner of my bed, it almost looked as though he were about to climb on. "What are you doing in here?"

He didn't speak for a moment or two. "Uhm- I- You were screaming."

"Was I?" I sighed when he nodded "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No, I was already awake."

"Oh." I looked at the clock that showed 2 A.M. "Was something bothering you?"

"Um. Yeah. Something that's just come up. Actually."

"Oh? What is it?" Something about his demeaner seemed off. So much so that I subtly moved my hand under the pillow and opened the pocket-knife I had stashed there earlier. I did my best to keep my voice sounding unassuming despite the anxiety that was pooling within me.

My insides stopped churning and all suspicion was gone when he started to cry. "Torin, What is it?"

"I'm sorry. I'm such a wuss."

"Is it something about your room?" he nodded in response "Is it too quiet?"

"I don't have my earbuds and for some reason my phone's speaker isn't working." He sniffed "Can- could I stay in here with you?"

"Oh. Torin, I don't know. Didn't you say being in the room with someone else makes it worse?"

"Yeah but.. You're different. I don't know why. I think it's because of how understanding you were back there. The few people I've told that stuff to scoffed and told me to suck it up."

"I see.." I don't, actually...

"I don't squirm a-and I promise I won't try anything." I sighed and glanced at the chair in the corner. "Or- or I can take the chair. That works too."

My irrational compassion kicked in for the first time in a while and I started to scooch over, against my better judgement. "Here. Just stay on top of the covers." I said as I placed a line of pillows down the center of the bed. They weren't exactly the Walls of Jericho, but it would do for the night.

"Thank you, Alice. You really are too kind."

"Yeah, I know. It's gotten me into plenty of trouble." I hope it hasn't gotten me into trouble again.  I thought as I turned away from the wall of pillows.

No matter how many times I tossed or turned I couldn't manage to get to sleep. Something inside me just wouldn't let me relax. I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety. Maybe it was Lucas' unexplained absence, maybe it was Torin who rested peacefully on the other side of the bed. Hours later, I fell into a restless sleep.



Alice, just breath...

Why aren't you breathing??

I started choking as my oxygen ran low. I finally woke up and opened my eyes, hoping that it was just a dream. Instead I woke up to the same sensation and panicked, now being able to feel the hand that was enclosed on my wind-pipes. Tears started coming to my eyes and I struggled to turn my head enough and see that it was Torin's hand over my throat.

He looked at me with a dark expression. Emotionless yet full of something terrifying.

"Torin, wha-" I croaked with no air to spare. I started to kick and struggle against his hold, but he moved to straddle my hips and started choking me with both hands, giving me a perfect view of his eyes which practically glowed with a consuming fire. "I told you people would come for you.." he practically growled, "Guess that person is me."

My vision became blurry and my body started rejecting my brain's pleas to keep fighting. I moved one of my hands from his wrists, which were now bloody from my nails trying to pry him off. I gripped my knife and pulled it out from the pillow. Then, with the last of my strength, I swung my arm out and stabbed the knife into his chest.

After a few seconds that seemed to move in slow motion, his hold on my neck loosened and I gasped for air. his hands still wrapped around my neck like a scarf. I managed to haphazardly roll his limp body off of me before I fell into that darkness that consumed me in my dreams.

A couple hours later, I woke up, expecting the whole nightmare to be resolved. It was just my hair choking me this whole time. I reached up and grabbed for my hair; I found out it wasn't a nightmare when my hand touched the cool skin of the now dead Torin.

"Oh my-!" I clutched his hands and threw them away from me. When I looked over I was horrified at the sight of his eyes still opened and staring right at me, my knife still buried in his chest. I let out a frightened yell and fell out of bed, scrambling and crawling to the corner of the room by the chair.
"Oh my God. Oh my God." I panted over and over as my chest heaved but never seemed to collect any oxygen.

I sat silently for hours, trembling and crying, as I stared at the lifeless body that stained the sheets an ugly red. Please, let the sun come up. I mentally begged the night to move faster so the warm sun could come and somehow wash away the horrors of the night.

After a while I felt myself go numb inside. I stopped crying but the trembling persisted. I stared at nothing, my eyes seeming to shut off after looking at Torin for so long. I only moved when the door opened and I flinched to look at what I thought to be a hallucination. A hallucination with bright, golden eyes. "Alice?"



Who belongs to those special eyes???

This really wasn't part of the plan, I swear. Where did I go wrong?? Kids these days. You just can't trust 'em.

Anyway!! I plan(aka really really want) to have the next chapter out by WEDNESDAY!! I know I shouldn't be making promises but.... Yeah there is no but. I shouldn't make promises 😋😋

I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a wonderful week!! Don't forget to vote and comment so I know y'all are enjoying it! (1.8K+ reads. I'm so proud)

Seriosuly I really appreciate all your support. 🥰🥰 p.s. I'm thinking there's only one chapter(maybe two) left, Which is bittersweet to me since this is my first serious story on wattpad. But I'm ready to move forward and focus on other stories which I am SO EXCITED to start working on!(previews coming soon) Anyway. The end is drawing near so. Be forewarned! ;)

Thanks for reading!♡♡♡

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