Chapter 9: Weak, Tired, and Dumb

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Alice's POV

I walked carefully back into the bathroom. He was still in the same position from before and the food was still sitting next to him.

It had been a few hours since I left him. The sun was completely set and now the only light in the bathroom was the full moon outside which gave the white room a blue-ish glow.

I took out the warm, damp towel and knelt down in front of him to gently wipe the blood from his forehead and cheeks, careful not to put too much pressure on the gag he wore once again.

I started to clean his wrists when suddenly his hand grasped my own wrist, stopping my movements. I gasped and looked up to see his eyes were wide open.

The golden irises seemed to glow in the darkness. They were alight with the same look he'd given me when I first yanked open the bathroom door.

I started to panic and I shot upright in my bed. Breath uneven and eyes wide with alarm.

My eyes darted from left to right. Not seeing any sign of those golden eyes but seeing the dark walls of my bedroom. I brought my hand to my forehead as I recognized the event as a dream.

I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes, now feeling fully awake.

My heart rate returned to a normal pace and I looked toward the bathroom door.

"Alice you idiot..." I sighed as I got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom door to check on him.
"You know this is the stupidest idea you've had since..." I squinted at my clock.

5:28 A.M.

"Since nine hours ago."

I rolled my eyes and gave in to my maternal instincts because I'm too weak and tired and dumb to deny it. I unlocked the bathroom door and cautiously swung it open.

The bathroom was lit up just like it was in my dream, if not a bit lighter, which caused me to pause as I felt a slash of unease coarse through my veins.

I poked my head in and blinked when I saw the man had moved and was now on the other end of the tub near the toilet. I noted the watery blood spots on the porcelain and shifted my gaze to see the empty plate and an empty water bottle.

As my brain put the pieces together, a wave of guilt engulfed. He must've thrown up his food.
"I guess I shouldn't have made so much.."

I tip toed over to the toilet and gingerly looked in. I puzzled at the empty stool; Aside from a few drops of blood, the water was completely clean and clear.

The sound of the toilet would've woken me up, right? Unless- he didn't throw up his food after all..?
I was a bit confused as I shifted my gaze over to the man's face that was damp with perspiration.

My heart throbbed for him as I thought about how much discomfort he must be in.

I grabbed a rag from the shelf on the wall and gently dabbed the sweat off his skin.

I went over to the sink and turned the knob ever so slightly so warm water dribbled onto one part of the rag.

I gently dabbed the sweaty, bloody mixture from his face. His mouth was slightly ajar and I could feel his warm breath occasionally fan against my hand or face. I smiled as every now and then I would get a whiff of apple.

I heard him suck in a sharp breath as I accidentally scraped across a deep cut that stretched from his jaw to half way down his neck ending dangerously close to his jugular. I pulled my hand back, wincing in concern that the pain might awaken him.

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