Chapter 7: No.

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I woke up later that afternoon and stretched my arms above my head.
I guess I dozed off without realizing it. This bed is really comfortable

I once again scanned the room that now had more decorations. I smiled as I gazed at the animé poster I argued with my brothers to buy. It was a random series I binge watched with a friend last summer. I mostly got it out of spite. I dont regret it though.

My gaze shifted and I focused in on the bathroom door. "I almost forgot."

Slowly, I went toward the infamous bathroom door. I looked at the lock and saw it was still turned to the locked position.

I pressed my head to the floor and peaked inside. It was a bit challenging to see through the carpet, but I was able to make out a lot of shiny white, the tile and bathtub, but I also saw a deep, dark red. The stains of him. the man who is undoubtedly still
in there.

I sat up as I pondered, "Why would my brothers put me in the room next to their prisoner? Why wouldn't they move him? Unless..." Unless they moved him while I was asleep and he's not in there anymore.

I put my head to the floor again, searching for the man they had held in there.

I can't see him from here. Maybe they DID move him.

Why don't you open it and check?

I rejected the thought at first but then stopped to consider the idea. That internal battled from before, whether or not I would open the door, was starting up again.

I knew which side would lose, just as it had earlier. But this time it wouldn't be frantic. I was feeling more stable now, and so I'll be in full control this time.

I slowly stood up and put my ear to the door. I softly knocked three times, straining my ears for any movement from the other side of the door.

My heart beat a bit faster when I knocked two more times and there was still no movement.

"Yep. I'm doing this. I am about to open a door that may or may not lead to a killer."

I reached for the handle and slowly unlocked the door. My hands trembled and it took everything in me to slowly pull the handle down, Disengaging the last bit of protection from whatever is behind this door.

I moved in slow motion, pushing the door open at a pace that would seem slow to a sloth.

I peaked in through the crack, keeping my eyes peeled for anything dangerous.

Yhe blood stains, which were there during the first little escapade, came into view.

I gasped and almost slammed the door shut when my eyes landed on the man from before.

I felt uneasy from head to toe and everything screamed for me to close and lock the door again. But something stopped me.

There wasn't any movement what so ever which made my curiosity awaken.

Is he dead?

I slowly opened the door again to look at the man who was sprawled weakly against the bathtub.

He seemed young. Around Jared's age I'd say. Maybe older. His skin was a sort of light maple coloring. Still looking healthy despite being clearly low on blood. An easy assumption when his clothes are covered in blood stains and the bathroom floor around him is littered with different sized red polka dots.

I started to feel almost guilty for the stranger in front of me. He's been locked up in here for nearly forty-eight hours, I think.

Has he had anything to eat? Probably not since he's still gagged...

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