Chapter 6: Get Your Shoes. And Be Happy..

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"So I'm a hostage now?" I practically yelled at my brother.

I had been in the middle of enjoying some instant ramen when Colton told me I couldn't leave the house. Or rather "it'd be safer if you stayed inside."

"Colton I can't do that! What about my job? What about my whole life that's waiting for me?!"

"Relax. It's only for a little while. Things are... A bit tense right now."

"So I'm supposed to stay inside this awful house until things settle?"

"Well, Ideally you would stay in your room." Jared commented as he took a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge.
The way he's been treating me I wanted to smack the fluffy blond eyebrows right off his face.

"If I'd known I was to live as a prisoner I would've gone to live with our crazy Aunt."

Colton stood up from the bar stool and snatched his keys from the counter. "We can go shopping for whatever you'll need. Money isn't an issue. We'll get you a mini fridge and a microwave. And of course plenty of food to last you for- mm let's start with a week."

I looked down at my delicious ramen, suddenly feeling a bit queasy.
"I can't believe this is happening."

"Believe me, it's safer for you this way. Now get your shoes. And try to be happy. You're going on your first real shopping spree."

I rolled my eyes and instantly got to work making the most detailed and demanding list of things to buy.

If I'm going to live in captivity, I'm going to do it comfortably.

3 Hours later

After visiting about 8 different stores, we were headed back to the house with a truck full of bags and boxes.

I almost felt guilty about how much I made them buy, but I separated myself from my feelings and focused on what I planned to do with the items.

We bought a mini fridge, with freezer, and a microwave, both of which I plan to put in a section of my closet.

I got a medium sized tv to put on top of my chest of drawers. And a DVD player, just in case.

I made them buy quite a few new clothing items including a couple new shoes. Not that I'll be wearing them since I'm stuck inside the house.

There were more items but I can't remember them all at the top of my head.

I will say that I have plenty of food to last me much longer than a week.
I think that's what I'm most excited about.

Colton graciously helped set up the tv and the mini fridge.

Jared called him off some place. Probably to go kill someone or something. I don't know. At this point I have other things on my mind.

I hooked up the microwave and set it up on a tv tray next to the fridge in my closet. I had to take some clothes out to make room, but they folded into the dresser just as well.

After putting every single item away and figuring out how to shove all the food into the fridge, I stood up with a satisfied sigh, and an achy back, admiring my room which now felt more like home.

I walked across the room and looked out the window at the beautiful landscape. We were right on the outside of a woodsy area.

I laid a hand on the cool glass and sighed as I remember that I'm stuck inside for the next few weeks. I started to feel suffocated and claustrophobic, it was as if my lungs suddenly wouldn't accept anything but fresh air.

I hurriedly moved toward the mini fridge and took out a bottle of water, chugging almost the whole bottle in an attempt to calm my nerves.

It's like I can feel my sanity dripping away bit by bit



If you had to be stuck in your room for a few days straight, what's One thing you'd be sure to pick up from the store? (Besides food) :)

As always, THANK YOU FOR READING!! Aaaand don't forget to comment and vote!

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