Chapter 22: I regret it.

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I sat on the edge of his bed, being careful not to shift the matress too much. The innocence that veiled his face as he slept made it hard to believe what he was guilty of.

I'm in this for good now.. His brother warned me. I don't regret it yet.. But why didn't you tell me? Why make up such a rediculous lie? Why is he making me choose between you and my brothers?

After a few minutes of getting my thoughts organized, I decided it was time to wake him up. I put my hand on his shin, squeezing gently before giving it a jiggle.

His eyebrows scrunched and a groan sounded from his throat. Shoot, I think that just hurt him.. His eyelashes fluttered open, causing my heart to do the same when his slightly hazy, golden eyes peered at me, still veiled with a certain sense of innocence.

"Hi." He croaked.

"Do you need some water?" He nodded his head in response and I jumped up to get it for him.

When I came back he was struggling to sit up. "Be careful! You're body is still weak."

"Don't worry, Alice. I can take care of myself. I've been in this condition before."

"I don't want to hear another word. You and I both know you would've died without me."
Granted he was tied up and gagged before.. Still.

Without another word, I handed him a water bottle and he graciously took it, drinking it down with a relieved sigh. "One of these days I'll hand you a water bottle."

"I'll believe it when it happens." I said with a chuckle.

He rested his head against the wall and for a minute or two we sat in silence. Both seeming to be lost in thought.

"When were you going to tell me?" I meekly glanced at him

A nervous expression clouded his face
"What? Tell you- tell you what?"

"When were you going to tell me your real name is Lucas?"

"Oh.. That. Alice, the less you knew at that point, the safer you were. I didn't want you to be linked with me in any way. Just in case something happened."

"But when I talked to your brother he claimed I already knew too much.. Why would you tell me all the stuff about my brothers, but wouldn't let out any information about yourself? Were you really only concerned about your own safety this whole time?"

"Everyone needs to protect themselves.. Even if it means telling a lie." A dull pain pressed on my heart as my eyes narrowed at him in betrayal "But the information that I gave you was inaccurate. You could've gotten away with leaving with a little help from your Brother. And maybe an anonymous third party.."

"Why... why tell me anything at all? You must've known any information would complicate things."

"I wasn't in any position to deny you what you wanted." He snapped, "Face it. You couldn't have gone on not knowing." He looked at me with sharp, piercing eyes. Now totally rid of the innocence that once glowed in them.

I rubbed my face as I tried to calm down the anger that wanted to bubble up. "Well, none of that matters now.."

"What do you mean?" His eyes narrowed in curiosity

"I made a deal with the devil. I know a lot more now which means I'm stuck in this for the long run."

Thomas', I mean Lucas', eyes softened as he whispered something so quietly I hardly heard it "Gavin.." gavin? who's Gavin? "What did he tell you?"

"You're- brother?" Lucas jerked forward and gripped my forearms making me flinch

"What did he tell you?!" He demanded.

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