57: Withdrawal

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Withdrawal is the combination of physical and mental effects that a person experiences after they stop using or reduce their intake of a substance such as alcohol and prescription or recreational drugs.

If you have been using a substance with a high potential for dependency and you stop suddenly or abruptly or you cut down your use drastically, you can experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms. The intensity and duration of these withdrawal symptoms can vary widely, depending on the type of drug and your biological make-up.



"What? I thought she wouldn't be back until Tomorrow? So she came back Sunday afternoon then she went MIA again? Rae, you've gotta be kidding me!" Jake's hoarse voice from the other end of the line annoyed me even more.

"I'm telling you she's missing! Do I need to report it now? It's more than 24 hours. Her phone is unattended and none of our common friends know where is! She's a pain in the ass, Jake."

"Congratulations, Rae. You finally realized that your dream girl is a bitch. She's just somewhere. She's like that. You've been living together for two years as housemates yet you didn't notice that she usually walks out to cool off? Pussy."

"Fuck off, Jake. Where's An?" I heard him shouting in the background to ask his wife where An is.

"New York, according to my wife. Relax, she will be back. Breathe, brother. I told you to quit it, didn't I? That girl is untouchable. You're hopeless." He laughed maniacally before ending the call. Dick!

I haven't slept properly last night. My sheets and my pillows are waving at me at the moment and asking for some loving. That ice queen didn't let me sleep a wink last night because of worry so now I'll be dead to the world unless An comes back and wakes me up to explain why the hell she left without telling me.

I slept for around 7 hours and woke up to a grumbling stomach. 6 pm and still no Anrie. She's really getting into my nerves. Why the hell am I so hung up on her? It was like she cast a spell on me or made me drink a love potion or something of that sort.

I sauntered to the bathroom and took a bath and while I was at it, heard the opening and closing of Anrie's room door.

Thank God. I would be calling the police if she won't come home until tomorrow morning.

I wore a plain black shirt and sweat pants and wore a towel around my neck as my hair was still damp. I sauntered towards the kitchen to take a bottle of beer from the fridge, finally in the mood to take a swig after worrying too much.

I could hear some faint sounds in the room but she didn't open the door. I knocked again but there's no response so I opened the door. She doesn't even lock her door. She trusted me that much that she never really locks her door if I am around.

I opened he door to find her just pacing like a lunatic just on the foot of the bed, wearing only her red underwear. One of her hands was on her waist as the other one kept brushing her hair. She groaned and bit her fingernail and kept pacing as I held on the door knob just watching her walk back and forth.

I could feel my manhood twitch from the sight. I can't help it! I'm a sexually active male standing in front of his long time crush who is almost naked, may I add. She didn't even notice the door opening so I cleared my throat to make her aware of my presence.

"You're burning a trail on the floor with all that pacing." I finally entered the room, keeping the door open behind me. I went straight to her closet, trying to avoid getting close to her or even look at her body.

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