Chapter One: One Shots

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Slipping from the water, laughter filled the air as the two young lovers tried to move their way from the cold ocean and back up onto the sand. They were sopping wet and both were still wearing their clothes, but things like that was what they did. They did dumb stuff together but that is what made their love so intense. It made them who they were and made their relationship so different from what they both had had before.

"I can't believe that you talked me into that!" Olivia exclaimed as she wrung her sweater out. Elliot grinned at her as he took his shirt off and balled it up.

"You do anything I say, Liv. If I said we were going to jump off a bridge, you'd follow." Elliot smirked, as he moved closer to her before placing his hands to the hem of her sweater before pulling it over her head. Olivia felt as her breathing hitched before closing her eyes as Elliot leaned close and kissed her chest.

He worked his lips over her breasts and up to her neck. He kissed the base of it as he held her close before making it to her lips. They kissed deeply for a moment before Olivia broke their kiss and looked at him.

"I love you." She breathed, and Elliot leaned back before swallowing hard.

"You've never said that to me before," Elliot whispered.

They were still fairly new to their relationship, but Olivia hadn't felt this way for anyone before.

"Uh, I'm sorry if I scared you. But I can't keep that away. Please, Elliot. Don't just break up with me because I said I loved you."

"I'm only 20, Olivia. I didn't think I'd be in love with someone when I was 20."

"I didn't think I'd be in love at 18, but I am. We should head out. It's freezing out here." Olivia spoke, as she stepped back before grabbing her sweater from the sand. She moved through the sand and to where she had parked her Volkswagen Beetle, before feeling as arms wrapped around her waist.

"I love you too."


Speeding up from their night on the beach, Olivia and Elliot ended up moving in together. Olivia got kicked out of her mother's house so she had to stay somewhere else. She was excited to have a place of her own, where she could have her friends over and they didn't have to see a drunk woman laying either on the couch or the floor with vomit drying on her chin.

"It must be amazing to be living here with Elliot. He is such a nice guy. Hot too." Alex smiled, as she and Olivia walked into the garage with a few bags of food for their friends for dinner. Elliot had a small house off the island of New York, so it was quieter and the rent for a house was lower. They had a life going, and it was amazing.

"It's pretty damn awesome, Alex. I love him, and I can really see this working out. He just needs to work through a few things." Olivia spoke. She stopped short of the back door and looked at her friend.

"What's happening?" Alex asked with a little worry in her voice. Everyone was older than Olivia, even if it was just by a year or two, she was still the baby. Still the more innocent one that they wanted to protect.

"He stays out late. Like, really late. He'll come home at 6 in the morning after being out all night and partying. He usually stays out late after fighting with his father for hours over the phone. He gets angry when I ask if he just wants to calm down with me, but sex won't even get him to stay home." Olivia frowned.

"We are his only friends, and he hasn't been hanging out with us." Alex sighed.

"I just hope he isn't seeing someone else... but he seems to be careless also... Like when he'd go out back to smoke, even if he promised to stop, he would leave the door wide open. He won't fix the back fence and if he keeps his promise and gets the dog we want, we have to have a fixed fence. He has to be able to shut the door." Olivia sighed. She thought about everything in the moment and realized that Elliot probably wasn't going to change.

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