Chapter 1

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It was 4:16pm. Only about 15 minutes more until class is over for the day. Right now, I'm sitting beside the windows, my chin rested on my palm as I try not to sleep during Ms. Hirai Momo's math class. Ms. Hirai is one of the coolest teachers here at JYP High, but I still can't pay attention to math class even if I wanted to.

I looked outside the window and there were already students who are walking to the school's exit. But I noticed that a big portion of the students are crowded in the courtyard. With two figures standing in an open space created by the crowd. It was a girl and a guy. I recognised the guy to be Lee Hyun. He was one of the most popular guys, because of his looks, his spot on the varsity swim team, and for him to be at parties four times a week probably making out with various chicks. I couldn't recognise the girl, as her back was facing me. She had straight jet-black hair and a slim figure.

Before I could make any guesses on who the girl was, the bell rang and everyone stood up. "All right class." Ms. Hirai says, as every student's head turned to her direction. Almost simultaneously. "Don't forget to answer the exercises on page 146. I'll be adding that as bonus points since you all seem to fail my class. You guys better work hard ok?"

And as every student responded to her with a nod or a murmured "yes ma'am" she smiled and collected her things on the desk and yelled "Class dismissed! See you tomorrow."

After I finished packing my things into my bag, I started to head towards the exit of the building. I could still see the crowd I saw from earlier.

As I made my way closer to the crowd someone suddenly popped out of nowhere and called my name. "Hey Yeji!"

My eyes widen to see one of my best friends Lee Chaeryeong with a look on her face that I can't describe. She looked tired. The strap of her bag, located on her left shoulder as she tugged on it. She suddenly took my hand and made our way towards the crowd. "You gotta see this!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Chaeryeong, I know you love your collection for gossips around this school, but dude I don't have time for this. I have math homework—" I immediately stopped talking when I found myself and Chaeryeong closer to Lee Hyun and a girl I wasn't familiar with.

"Who's she?" I asked, as I tugged in Chaeryeong's hand to let my arm go.

"You don't know?" She asked with a shocked look on her face. "She's the new transfer student from Canada. She joined a few of my classes earlier. Her name's Choi Jisu. But I've been wondering why most our classmates call her 'Lia'."

I made an "O" with my lips and nodded my head. I looked at Jisu and her gaze was towards the ground and she looks at Lee Hyun with one of his knees in the ground as he offers her a box shaped of a heart, which I assumed had chocolates inside. And for his other free hand, held a bouquet of flowers.

"How would you like to go out with me, baby?" He said. The moment he said "baby" I immediately cringed. Especially when he emphasised the word. Ugh, he could have at least been more sweeter instead of being a jackass on his high horse.

I looked at Jisu next, and her eyes scanned the crowed. It was like she didn't pay attention to what Hyun said, and as she scanned the crowed, her eyes met mine.

The look she gave me almost made me hypnotised by her. Her natural look is somewhat between an angel's and a goddess'. She looks very pretty, as I stare at her too. I think she noticed herself staring at me, and immediately turned her gaze to Hyun. "Well? What do you say, gorgeous?" He asked again.

But what happened next shocked the crowed the most.

Jisu lifted her hand and grabbed the box, and opened it. She grabbed one piece of chocolate and took a bite. As she chewed, the whispers of the crowed didn't disappear. "The chocolate tastes terrible. It has somewhat of a powered aftertaste in my mouth, which I highly dislike. And I noticed that the chocolate used was just a melted bar, and put into a molder for presentation." She said.

Every one in the crowd heard it loud and clear. Their jaws, crashed to the floor. Especially Hyun's jaw. It practically hit the earth's core.

"And those flowers." Jisu pointed at them. "I'm allergic to dandelions, as I am allergic to snot nosed brats who can barely make handmade chocolates."

The crowd cheered for her remark. Jisu then placed the box back onto his frozen palm, and said "So no. I'm not going out with you. Maybe you should find someone who can balance your massive but fragile ego. You and them could be the couple of the year." She said as she tugged her backpack on her right shoulder. "Let's go, Yuna."

She said as a tall, blonde girl approached Jisu and made their way towards the exit. But when she made her way out of the crowd, her gaze landed on me again, before finally getting inside a car with Yuna and left. When Jisu's figure disappeared, the crowd dispersed into whispers and murmurs. Hyun got up and walked away from the courtyard.

"Damn, that girl didn't hold back." Said Chaeryeong, who has a shocked expression left on her face. "Yeah." I said. I still couldn't make out of what she was looking at me for. Maybe I'm just crazy, and she was looking at somebody else, so I shrugged it off.

I punched Chaeryeong lightly on the arm and she pulled back and winced. "Hey, what was that for?" She whined as she rubbed her arm. "For wasting my time, doofus. Now let's go home. We still have math homework."

"Jeez, nerd. At least I saved you from being late on the school gossip today. Damn, I wonder how broken Hyun is. He thought he could just get any girl he wants." She stifled a laugh.

"Let's go. I need to catch up on Netflix at home after." I said as I walked ahead of her.

"Wait for meeeee!" She whined, and I grinned.

"Although, for a rejection like that, all she could have done was say no to the guy. But she went all out." I said.

Chaeryeong appeared by my side and said "Well, her motto's gotta be "Go big or Go Home". She practically crushed the guy."

"And I think—" I stopped. I don't think I should tell Chaeryeong that Jisu happened to be looking at me twice. It was probably just a misunderstanding.

"Hm?" Chaeryeong said.

"Hmm, never mind. Do you wanna finish homework at my house today?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up and nodded vigorously. "Yeah! Your mom always makes the best cookies whenever I'm over. I gotta steal her recipe sometime." She joked. I laughed with her as we both started to walk home.

First fanfic ever. I hope this wasn't too boring. I'm sorry for typos and grammatical errors you find. The upcoming chapters would probably be more exciting. And I forgot to mention this fanfic contains curse words, and kind of a slow burn romance, so please brace yourself. I hope you all stay safe and have fun reading.

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