Chapter 39

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"Hey, I got you some water." I said as I opened the door to the roof, where Lia had been using as a vocal practicing spot. I was carrying a chocolate sprinkle donut and two water bottles.

She had earphones on as she sung the lyrics in such a beautiful voice. I smiled as I crouched down and pulled one of her earphones out.

"Take a water break first?" I said as I held up the water bottle in front of her. She flashed me a smile before turning her phone off and opening a bottle and chugging it down.

"Thanks." She said.

"No problem."

I sat down next to her and started to munch on my donut, when I felt her staring at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Why didn't you get one for me?" She asked as she pouted. I noticed her drooling at the donut that I was eating, which made me chuckle.

"I heard that you can't eat lots of different kinds of food when you're practicing singing."

"Says who?"

"Says a famous opera singer that I found on google."

She held onto my arm and shook me playfully. I looked at her and she had this puppy dog eyes and a sad pout. "Please, just a bite. No more, no less. Please?"

I pinched the bridge of her nose and pushed her away. "No."

She scoffed in annoyance. "Party pooper." She said which caused me to smile. Her eyes met the sky above, and so did mine. It was a sunny day, but it wasn't so hot. But it was definitely near winter season.

My peripheral vision noticed a shadow that was going near my hand, and I looked to see Lia, opening her mouth widely and going near my half eaten donut. Her eyes landed on mine, and we stayed in that position for an awkward second, her mouth still hanging open.

I pulled my hand away, and pinched her cheek. "Don't you try anything sneaky, missy. I already said that sweets are bad to eat when you're practicing. You can't eat milk, cheese, and other dairy products. The same goes for caffeine, chocolates, and spicy food."

"I can just eat those la—"

"You better not eat those things behind my back later, sweet cheeks."

It was a little too late before I had realised the two words that fell out of my mouth. It was the old nickname that I had used to tease her with. I thought that it was okay to call her that again, but the vibe didn't seem like a cheerful one anymore, especially with the unsure look she had given me after.

She looked away from my gaze, and fiddled with her thumbs. I placed the donut on my lap and exhaled silently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd get uncomfortable if I called you that again."

"It's not that it made me uncomfortable. It just took me by surprise, that's all."

I didn't know what else to say, so the both of us stayed silent. Until she mumbled something I couldn't hear properly.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Why are you still here?"

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, unable to understand her question. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, before, I hurt you a lot of times. I broke your heart, I stayed away from you when you wanted to make things right and all I could think about was just hating you. And after what I put you through, why are you still here? With me?"

I was speechless with her question, because I thought that it was only right for her to hate me for what I had done to her, but I didn't really think that she would feel any sort of guilt about it.

Maybe I had to admit that I was a little desperate with making her be with me. That day where Yujin had approached me, it made me think that I wasn't secured in Lia's heart. That maybe someone could replace me so easily, and I was scared of that. And that caused me to be so reckless when it came to her. I didn't care about what she was going through, all I could just think about was how it hurt me. I never considered if it ever hurt her too, until it was too late.

"It would have been easier to just hate me and forget about me, wouldn't it? Yet, that's not what you did." Lia continued.

"It's true that I wanted to make things right with you, but also because I couldn't bring myself to just hate you. It would mean that I never cared about anything we shared and had. Believe me, I tried to hate you," I paused as I took a breath. "But... I just couldn't."

"Why?" She asked as she turned to face me. I locked my gaze on her, and clenched my hand on my side as to not sound nervous with the next thing I was going to say.

"Because I'm too in love with you."

Her eyes widened, and her mouth hung open. I chuckled lightly, because I did feel sort of embarrassed when that came out of my mouth.

"Sorry if it sounded so cheesy. But that was the easiest way to put it." I said. I noticed the awkward tension starting to rise, so I cleared my throat. "B-But don't let what I said pressure you or anything. I'd still like to help you in any way I can. If you'd let me, that is."

She stretched her lips into a small smile, and hugged her knees. "Will you really come to the audition? And watch me perform?"

I smiled. "Well, Do you want me to come?"

"The idea of the audition really scares me, but I think I could ease up if you were there. I'm not a hundred percent sure that I'll give an outstanding performance, but I'm willing to do my best if you were in the crowd, watching me."

I placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it to reassure her. "I'll be there at front row. I'll hold up a banner with your name on it, and prove to Korea that I'm your biggest fan no matter what."

Her sudden giggle took me by surprise in a good way. "Promise?" She said lowly.

I nodded. "I promise. You'll do great."

We both exchanged smiles for a moment before her eyes landed on my hand.

"So, can I have at least one bite now?"


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