Chapter 9

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After the performance I didn't think twice to get on my original clothes and head outside while I waited for Lia. Groups of students poured out the auditorium and congratulated me on the performance. I thanked them each and finally Lia appeared.

"Great job, Yeji!" She said as she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at her gesture and jerked my head to the opposite direction. "Let's go?"

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Go where?"

I laughed. She made plans yet she's the one who forgot it all.

"Escape room, remember?" I said.

"Oh right." She giggles and we started to make our way to the other side of the school where it was held. There were only a few people on the line. The next thing we knew we were next.

As soon as we entered the door shut behind us. There was another door next to us which could only be opened if we entered 6 numbers.

"Oh so it's gonna be like that, huh?" I said and typed 1-2-3-4-5-6 into the code. The code beeped red and showed that I was wrong. I typed 0-0-0-0-0-0 into the code but it beeped red again.

"Of course it won't be that easy." I said. Lia giggles at my silliness and I laughed too.

"Okay, now let's see what we need to work with." Lia bent down and fumbled with the materials.

There was a flashlight, and she gave it to me. She pulled out a note and asked me to turn the flashlight on so she could read it. Lia took the note and read it.


Except that we won't be solving puzzles, instead we will be completing different missions with your partner! There are THREE missions in total and you and your partner are required to follow what the mission says. No cheating!

"So we're not doing any brain works?" Lia asked as she turned to me. "I don't think so." I replied. "But we might be doing physical works though."

"The first mission is found inside the first box in that top shelf to your left. Open it and complete the mission and you will be getting your first number!"

I looked at my left and found a box that was at the top of the shelf. On the front side of the box, it read: MISSION #1.

"How are we gonna get up there?" I asked.

Lia and I thought about it for a second and she snapped her fingers.

"Boost me."


"Boost me." I said. Yeji's eyes widened and her lips turned to a frown. "But why me?"

"Because I'm more of a light weight than you." I replied. I giggled and pinched my cheek. "Fine."

Yeji told me to step on her arm as she would use the other arm to support the front of my legs from behind to keep me from falling. We performed the move but I couldn't snatch the box right away.

"Light weight my foot!" Yeji said as she struggled to keep me in the air. I shushed her and reached for the box and I finally had it. I told Yeji to put me down.

We then opened the box and found a pink, heart shaped ballon. We picked it up and found another note inside the box.

I opened it and it said:

"MISSION #1! The number is hidden in one of the notes inside the ballon!"

Yeji shook the ballon and some papers rattled inside.

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