Chapter 12

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The moment I heard the doorbell ring I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water as to prevent myself from looking like a freak with puffy eyes.

I wore an oversized white T-shirt that slumped a little on my left side that revealed not only my black sports bra underneath, but a portion of my shoulder as well. I tied my hair into a bun, and wore black cotton shorts.

I opened the door to see Yeji carrying a paper bag in one hand and the other holding onto the strings that was tied to a box of pizza.

"Hello, I heard you ordered a medium sized chicken wings with two cans of coke and a large pineapple pizza, Ms. Choi."

I snorted a laugh to her amazing impression of a pizza delivery guy.

"You got the wrong address." I said. "I specifically said I ordered for one Hwang Yeji." I replied. Yeji twirled around on the spot and gave me a smile as she faced me, not forgetting to flash me a wink. "You got your order right here."

I giggled and gestured for her to come in. "Did you eat dinner yet? Are your parents home?" Yeji asked.

"No and No." I said as I closed the door. "Good thing you got me pizza and wings." I said as I reached to carry the paper bag, but she backed away and held out the pizza out instead.

"The paper bag's more heavy. You can carry this." Yeji said with a warm smile plastered on her face. I willingly took the pizza and told her to follow me upstairs to my room.

My room was quite spacious, which is why I do a lot of my exercises in here. I set the pizza on the floor and sat down, as Yeji did the same.

Yeji opened the paper bag and took out two cans of coke and placed one near me and one next to her. She then took out a box which I assume had chicken wings inside it.

She also untied the knot around the rope that held the pizza, and opened the box that revealed 8 slices of pineapple pizza. As soon as the box revealed the pizza, my hand dashed towards one piece that had extra cheese and extra pineapples. I brought it to my mouth and took a bite. "Mmm!" I said as I started to chew.

Yeji chuckled before opening her can of coke and taking a sip. "What's so funny?" I asked. Although I'm not sure if she understood what I said because my mouth was still full of pizza. Yeji chuckled again took out tissues from the paper bag and used it to tap my bottom lip and my chin.

"You got pizza sauce all over you." She said as she pulled away, and started to munch on one of the honey garlic flavoured chicken wings.

"How did you know I like Honey Garlic?" I said as I took one wing and took a bite.

Yeji chewed and swallowed her food before saying anything. "Ever since we starting texting I had the habit of paying attention when it came to things you liked. Such as honey garlic chicken wings," she says as she points to the box. "And pineapples on pizza." She now points at the pizza.

"Knowing things I like don't bore you?"

"Hey," Yeji says. "If you're able to explain how each of your specific fibres and nerves work, I'd still pay attention to you if you did."

Her comment made my lips curve up.

Yeji and I finished eating the food, but there were still some chicken wings left, that I decided to just eat tomorrow. I let my back rest on my bedroom wall after sipping a little bit of my unfinished coke.

I felt Yeji rest her back on my wall beside me after throwing out the trash away and putting the chicken wings in the fridge downstairs.

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