Chapter 29

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I shouldn't have come in this party. I didn't know she would be here. I should have thought about it more: popular people have a higher chance to be at house parties.

I wanna get out of here.

"Okay, I'm first!" Taehyun digs his hand inside the box and pulls out a paper and opens it. "Truth: How many times did you hook up with a girl? I think I hooked up with about 5 of them."

Everyone hyped him up, because of his honesty. "Me next!" Chaewon picks out a paper as well. "Dare: Make the person next to you drink three shots."

Yeji was sitting next to Chaewon so she had to drink. "You don't mind, right Yeji?"

" 'Course. Three shots' a piece of cake." She drank the first one in one gulp. Same with the other two, as if they were just water.

"You're so cool." Kwon Eunbi compliments. Yeji could only chuckle. "Not really. But thanks."

The rest of the circle got dares, one was doing a tap dance, one had to take off their shirt, and I forgot the rest because I wasn't paying attention.

Soobin picked from the box it read "Dare: Kiss the person next to you for 15 seconds." He took a glance at me, while his ears started to turn red. "I-Is it o-okay with you, Lia?" He stuttered.

I was okay with kissing him, but... there are lots of people in this party. Everyone could witness anything. And if they see me kiss him... they might...

"No, I'm sorry. But I'll drink one for you instead." Taehyun poured me a shot and I slowly drank it, a burning sensation in my throat following.

The box finally arrived to me and I chose a paper. It read "Truth: Who was your first kiss?" I paused as I read the question aloud. I took a glance at Yeji who seemed to be concerned, but still chose to kept her cool.

My first kiss was also my first heartbreak.

"I'm not answering this. Pass me a shot." I said as I reached for a shot glass.

"Oh come on transfer student! It's just a first kiss." Beomgyu says.

"Yeah, well, it's a little personal. Sorry." I drank the shot again, and let out an exhale.

The game continued with another round. Everyone didn't answer a bunch of truths and didn't do a bunch of dares, so everyone had their second drink. If someone doesn't do a dare or answer a truth in this round, the penalty would be going inside a closet with someone you pick from the bowl.

"Truth: Who made your life miserable so far?" Chaewon read it, but didn't answer. "Alright, I accept my fate. Give me the bowl."

Taehyun passed it to her, and she picked out a name. "Soobin. Leggo bro."

Soobin stood up with Chaewon and both figures disappeared inside the closet. I felt a little discouraged, because I thought I had grown to like Soobin a little.

They both came out, and I swear I saw lipstick on his collar. It made me sigh and pick out my next paper. "Truth: I have someone I despise inside the circle. True or False?"

I got surprised by the question. I took a glance at Yeji who seemed to be sobering herself up, since she mostly got dares that required her to drink.

"Uh... F-False." I answered, but I immediately regretting it because it was a lie.

"Eyy, you lied!"

"Okay okay, fine." I said as I drank my shot, but as it travelled through my throat, I felt dizzier. I couldn't look at something properly, and it was when I noticed that I was starting to get drunk.

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