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Okay, so... um, Hi! (Pls excuse me, im freakin' awkward with introductions.)

I first of all, really want to thank you all for reading my story! Thank you for your votes and comments, and overall, making me feel like it really was worth it to try and post my stories on the internet.

This was my first ever Yejisu Fic, and my first time writing in wattpad, even though writing had been a strange hobby of mine ever since I was a wee lil fetus.

While I was staring into nothing, I had a lightbulb moment where, I just one day, decided: "Imma write in wattpad, because why tf not."

I didn't expect much, because as I made the cover for this book, and I was finally facing my first part to write, I went: "Shoot, wtf do i do?"

Imma be honest, that this story's plot kinda came out of nowhere. I was winging everything that I wrote, and I literally hoped for less plot holes and just for the story to make sense and I didnt expect this book to reach this far, and I'll admit— I kinda suck at writing endings, lmao.

So, I read this book again, and honestly, I agree that there was still a missing piece.

Not talking about a "Book 2" or a "Part 2", but the thing that was missing was Yeji's side.

Readers might be questioning what happened with her: if she met up with Hyunjin, went back to Korea, if she's still friends with Chaeryeong, Ryujin, and Yuna, and I thought of the most cliche line of: "Some things are better left unanswered."

But for me personally, Yeji's side wasn't one of those.

I think her character suffered the most, and I think she didn't deserve to be left with a 'mysterious' ending. (And maybe because I felt a little bad for my bias, ksjsksjsjsjsk.)

So, (another lightbulb moment.) Imma write it and post Yeji's side/ own epilogue of the story (3 years from now) because why tf not, lolololol.

But I can't promise that it would reach 2000+ words, just like Jisu's ending, but I'll try my best with it. It felt really bitter to me, personally, how Yeji's ending was like the last page of a book that had been ripped out.

So, I'll be providing that ending, soon.

(To those who hoped for a book 2, I'm really sorry, but the story really just ends there. It was how I saw it to end, and I really can't change it, in fear that it wouldn't be as close to real life anymore. But I'm honoured to know that you would've liked to have read more of this story.)

I'm starting to get a little busy because online classes are gonna be starting soon, and I was given something that's called "Anxiety-For-This-Complicated-Assignment-That-You-Need-To-Do-During-Quarantine-Even-If-Classes-Haven't-Officially-Started-Because-Why-Not."

(pls halp me)

But I hope that I can finalise a good enough ending for ya'll before I go to the afterlife.

That's it! I hope ya'll stay safe, thumbs up to those who're already in online classes and struggling for survival, and most of all...

Thank you for helping me achieve one of the things that I hoped to do in life, which was writing. ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you all so much! Have a nice day! .... or night! ❤️❤️❤️

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