Chapter 14

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"Hello, I'm Hwang Yeji. I heard your club needs a guitarist?" I asked.

"Oh, Yeah. Thank god, you're just in time." Jo Yuri, the club president for the music club. I heard that she's a really nice girl who likes to help other's out, but I guess I never paid attention since she and I never hung out. "We've been acting like decapitated chickens ever since last week. You're from the dance club, aren't you?" She asked.

"Of course she is." The guy behind the drum kit said. He placed his drumsticks on top of a table as he stood up. "She's Hwang Yeji. I didn't know club prez didn't keep up with school gossips."

Yuri shook her head. "Anyway, glad to have you on board, Yeji. Meet the band." She first points to a guy who had his elbow resting on a piano. "He's Lee Jihoon. His forte is on the keys, as you can see."

She then points to a girl sitting on a chair, and tuning her bass guitar. "She's Park Suji. In charge of the bass."

She then points to the drummer, who actually picked up his drum sticks and twirling them around his hand during the conversation. "And that's Kwon Soonyoung. Our drummer."

I nodded and bowed as my introduction. "Now that you've met all of us," Yuri then takes an electric guitar and hands it out to me. "Why don't you show us how you play?"

I hesitantly took the guitar and placed the strap around my shoulder to carry less weight of it since it was kinda heavy. I placed my left fingers around each sting and started to strum the guitar. It went on like this for about a few minutes, until Yuri gestured her hand for me to stop.

"You're not bad, but you need a bit more practice." She critiqued.

I gave a nervous chuckled as I hoisted the strap over my shoulder and handed the guitar to Yuri. "It's been a couple of years since I last played, so I am a little rusty."

Yuri exchanges looks with her club members, unsure of whether to probably let me leave or to let me stay out of desperation for the upcoming performance.

"Do you mind if we give it some more thought? We really don't like being half prepared, especially for a performance, and we greatly appreciate your offered help, but we would like to look for others who can play better. And we still need a vocalist as well." Yuri said as she apologetically smiles at me. I gave her a smile too and nod.

"It's okay, I understand. You guys can just give me a call or something if you don't find anyone. I'll still be willing to help or learn how to play better."

Yuri and Suji gave me a stare, with their mouths slightly agape, and Jihoon shrugging along with Soonyoung. I nervously shoved my hands inside my pockets and cleared my throat. "So um... see you then?" I turned around and waved them goodbye before closing the classroom door.

I glanced at my wristwatch that showed 4:48pm. I tugged on my backpack before walking to the exit. I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket and took it out to see a text message from Lia:

Her: Hey! Just got home. How was the tryout in the music club?

I felt a smile plastered on my face as I found it cute and charming for her to be checking up on me. I instantly texted back:

Me: Just finished with the tryouts and heading home now. They said they'll look for a few others who can play better since I was a little rusty.

The latter replied almost immediately.

Her: Aww, that's ok! They must appreciate you wanting to help, and that's what counts! :)

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