Chapter 26

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People keeps staring at me again. I didn't even do anything. I never hung out with Yeji, but everyone still kept running their mouths.

I opened my locker and started to place books inside, when I heard another group of girls start talking about someone.

"That's her, right? The one who made out with Yeji at the festival?"

I chewed on my bottom lip in nervousness.

"Oh yeah, that's her. I heard she even made out with Hyun too, after her whole rejection fiasco. And after that, she came crawling back to Yeji because she's obviously interested in girls."

I never did any of that. That's not true.

I felt my tears forming already. I shouldn't cry. Because it's not true. It's not true. What made me just stand here and not say anything back? It's not true, so I should defend myself.

If only it was that easy.

"Aww, is she gonna cry? Bitch is probably guilty cuz everything she heard is true."

No, it's because I don't know how to make you stop talking, without being talked about again.

Sometimes, People tend see someone in the wrong way. No matter what, they'd still want to see you as someone who can be flawless. Changing you. Making you do things you can't do. Being like someone, when you can't. It's always been like that. And if a person isn't satisfied with you, they'll tear you down. And everything you have done until now will be wasted. The effort of trying to be someone they'll like, will be wasted. And if they've been wasted, then they're hopeless to get back. And everything you did was all for nothing.

"Do you think she hears us? Maybe we should talk a bit more loudly, so she could feel better." The girl says as she laughs mockingly.

It's always just people being people. Looking down on others to feel good about themselves, because they aren't satisfied with being them. And if someone isn't satisfied with themselves, they'll look for someone who can. But if the person can't satisfy them as well, they tear you down and rip you to pieces.

It always takes more and more to satisfy a person.

"Hey girls. Watch out. Yeji's coming this way."

"No way really!?" One of them says as she squealed.

"She must've gotten out of dance practice recently. I love how she always wears crop tops when she practices. So I have something amazing to look at."

Yeji walks past me and made her way to the group that were talking about me.

"Hey, Bae Jin Hee? That's your name right?" Yeji said as she made her way towards the girls who were talking about me.

"Y-Y-Yes. That's me."

"Well, I heard a teacher was asking for you in the faculty. You should get going."

"O-Oh r-really? Thanks for telling me then. Let's go girls."

The group left, and so did Yeji. I was looking at her, and when she turned her head, I immediately turned away. I felt her stare, and her sigh as she walked away.

Yeji, I used to have wanted you with me. But because of us, they won't stop talking about me.

I stayed away from you. I tried to forget about you. I even gave up on you. But they still aren't going to stop.

I'm so hopeless.


I found Sujin who was placing books inside her locker.

"Hey Sujin!" I called out.

She gave me a glare. "NO." But I saw her eyes flash to my abdomen which caused her to look away.

"W-Why a-are you w-wearing something like t-that!? Teachers could spot you!"

"I just got out of dance practice. Cut me some slack." I said lazily. "Anyway, can—"


"Oh come on!"

"Yeji, your plan is already a bust on so many levels. There's no way I'm helping you."

"I'll do your homework for a week?"


"I'll buy you ice cream."

"No." She closed her locker and started to walk to class. I jog to catch up to her, and walk to her side.

"I'll buy you a dog."

"I'm allergic to dogs, so no."

"Do you want me to dance for you?"

"W-What the hell? I said no! N-O, NO."

I pouted and held onto her arm, and started shaking her. "Oh come on Sujin, please! You're the only one who can help me with this." I whined.

She pinched my arm and I winced in pain. "Ow!"

"I told you no, SO many times. Ask someone else."

"How about going to a movie with me this weekend? I heard that a new zombie movie was out."

She stopped in her tracks, and turned to look at me. She had her head down, her hair covered her flustered face. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You didn't say no." I joked.

"It's a zombie movie. How can I decline? Fine, I'll be a part of your stupid shenanigans, but if this gets me in trouble," she showed me her thumb, and dragged it across her neck. "You're dead to me."

"Yes! Awesome! Thanks! I'll see you in the music room after school okay?" I ran to the dance room happily.

Classes ended, and it was time to head home. Well, except for me and Sujin. We were in the music room, as she tried to help me with my plan.

"No, that's wrong! It's D minor! You're doing A minor, you idiot!"

"Jeez, well you don't have to yell."

I fixed my fingers on the strings, and started to strum the guitar. She and I wrote the lyrics for a song that I wanted to sing for Lia. And crap, my hands were shaking because I kept on worrying and I don't even know if she'll like it.

"Hey, Yeji?"


"Why are you doing this? Who is this for?"

I gave her a faint smile as I put my pencil on the surface of my notepad. "It's for someone who I consider very special to me. But I messed up with her, and I gotta make up for it." I said as I wrote down what would rhyme with "you."

She stayed silent for a minute, which made me feel a bit worried. "Hey, you okay? You got quiet." I said.

"N-No. It's nothing, I'm fine. Was she the reason why you asked me all those questions last night?"

I chuckle slightly. "Yes. And because of you, I know what I can do to make it up to her. So thank you again."

"I-I see... Well, you're welcome, Yeji."

Her voice sounded sad, but I couldn't pay attention much because I was doing my best on focusing on rhyming the lyrics together without making it sound bad, but also making it as understandable as it could get.

We finished for today, and I drove her again to the bus stop, so I could show her how much I appreciate her helping me.

"Thanks again for helping me, Sujin. Tomorrow's another day."

"Yeah. See you, Yeji." Her voice was still sad. Her lips gave me a smile, but her eyes didn't look so happy. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but the bus came and she got on. I shrugged it off, and drove home.

During the foundation ball, I'll sing this with my whole heart to you, Lia.

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