Chapter 2

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A week later after what happened with Hyun and that transfer student, the school hasn't stopped talking about it. My ears always perked whenever it was mentioned. I mean, who wouldn't know about it? Rumours spread like wildfire, and it was only a matter on time for teachers to even know about it.

Right now, me and Yeji are on chemistry class by Ms. Minatozaki Sana. Her back was turned to us as she wrote down what appears to be alien language according to my one and only braincell.

I nudged at Yeji who was writing down what Ms. Sana was writing on the white board. "Yeddeong, let me copy your notes later." I said as I whispered to her.

"What the heck? Why aren't you copying anything? What if she gives us a pop quiz later?" She said as she switched her attention to the board and back at me repeatedly.

"I didn't bring any pens!" I explained.

"Fine, just stop talking before she—"

"Ms. Hwang and Ms. Lee. Do you have something to share about Arrhenius's theory on acids?" I immediately looked at Ms. Minatozaki and she gave us an angry, sort of pouty expression. She was one of those teachers that would always call names out loud if we were being too loud. I guess I should've kept my mouth shut.

"N-No Ma'am." Yeji stuttered.

Ms. Minatozaki hummed and placed her white board marker on the desk and sat down. "Now class, I have a project for you to due to next week. You have one full week to work on it, plus your weekends tomorrow, which would be a lot of time if I do say so myself. You will work in pairs."

She took out her booklet which had our names on it and started calling our names to be paired up with who.

"Lee Chaeryeong and Hwang Yeji." Ms. Minatozaki called out.

Yeji and I gave each other a look and bumped our fists together whispering a "nice" with a smile.

After she called out all the pairs, I noticed a hand raised in front of us, which caught Ms. Minatozaki's attention.

"Yes, Ms. Choi?"


Choi? Wait a second, as in Choi Jisu? That transfer student?! SHE WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME!?

I felt my cheeks flush. So she saw me get called out? I am so not sharing any notes for Chaeryeong.

"The midterms are next week ma'am." She said as she put her hand down. She had the attention of the class right now, eager to listen for what she has to say.

"Yes, and?" Ms. Minatozaki replied.

"The finals come after the midterms ma'am. We won't have time to study."

Ms. Minatozaki took off her glasses and rested her arms on the desk. "Well, this project is your only ticket that's gonna boost up your grades on performance in case you fail your midterms and finals. I can't let this project pass."

"Well, what if we work with four people each?" Jisu suggests.

"Two pairs, you say?"

"Yes, if we work with four people each, we might be able to finish early. The extra time can be utilised for studying for the midterms, and we won't have to cram."

Ms. Minatozaki looked at her and thought about it for a second. A few moments, she nodded and agreed with her suggestion. "Your new pair will be the ones behind you. The 1st row will be paired to the 2nd row. 3rd row with 4th row, and you get the idea. Since we still have 20 minutes left of the time, I will let you discuss things with your new group. Now please excuse me. The faculty has a meeting today. See you next Monday everyone."

And just like that Ms. Minatozaki left the room and the people started to chatter about the new arrangement. Although, they look thankful for what Jisu has said. She was being considerate of everyone cramming their studies. Her sweet side is actually kind of charming.

"Yoohoo! Earth to red face." I snapped back to reality as I saw Chaeryeong's hand waving at my face. "Red face?" I asked cluelessly.

"Yeah, you're face is red and you've been staring at Choi." She said in a teasing manner. God, I hate how bold Chaeryeong is sometimes. I think my face grew a bit redder after she said that. I might need to put my face in a bucket of ice water later.

"Speaking of Choi, guess who's our new pair?" She said as she rested her chin on the table and looked at me with a smirk. "W-What do you mean?" I asked, not noticing the

Chaeryeong jerked her head in front. When I turned my head, I felt my face grew redder as I saw Choi Jisu and her friend staring at us.

Somebody please, shoot me now.

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