Chapter 27

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As a human, I can mostly say that we can be pretty stupid.

Yeji and I talked about what happened between her and Lia, and honestly, I don't know what she's trying to do anymore.

She's been hanging out with some girl named Park Sujin and completely been skipping out of dance practice after school.

What's gotten into her?


I turned around to see my sister, Chaeyeon, who just changed her shirt because she was sweaty after practicing. "Where's Yeji? Is she skipping again?"

"Looks like it."

"Well, better go talk to her. I'm not about to add stress to Ms. Hirai, so could you handle her for me? I gotta go home. Mom and I have something to take care of."

"Fine fine. I'll drop by her house later." I hoisted my bag up to my shoulder and went to one of the classrooms to wait for Yuna. The bell rang and she walked out with books in her hands.

I gestured for her to give me her books so that I could carry them for her. She shook her head. "It's okay. I can manage. Plus you must be tired from practice."

"If you say so then." I gave her a small smile and we went to the parking lot. I went inside the driver's side, while Yuna entered the passenger side.

"Seatbelt?" I asked.


"That's my girl." I moved over towards her and gave her a peck on the cheek. I started the engine and started to drive to the school's exit.

"Where are we gonna go today?" She said, placing her books on her lap.

Yuna and I always make a few stops whenever I drive her home. We would always go and buy milkshakes, french fries, just basically snacks that everyone likes. But unfortunately, I had to drive her home straight.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go to Yeji's house today. Chaeyeon wants me to talk to her, because she's been skipping dance practice lately."

"Why not just call her?"

"My phone died."

Yuna let out a laugh. Contagious as it was, got me laughing too. "Typical of you. Do you want me to send her a text that you're gonna be dropping by?"

"No it's okay. It's normal for us to show up in each other's houses uninvited anyways."

She fiddled with her thumbs as she pressed herself on the seat. "Do you think she and Lia would be okay? I'm getting really worried about them."

As much as I wanted to lie and say that I think they'll work it out, not talking to each other for a month didn't seem like they had any progress in making up. "I'm not really sure. I hope that they'll be okay. Honestly, those two kinda make me worry too."

"I hope they make up soon. I'm sure Yeji didn't mean anything bad for Lia. It could also just be a misunderstanding, and just need to talk it out." Yuna says as I turned a corner, almost getting near her house.

Oh Yuna, you adorable little angel. Someone hold me back, I am so close to actually squeezing her right now.     

"They will." I reassured her. "I'll try to knock some sense into Yeji. You should talk to Lia too."

"Don't worry, I will." She gave me a smile, and her eyes widen suddenly. "Oh by the way, I'm going to Soobin's party tomorrow night. Do you wanna come with?"

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