Chapter 34

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"Mom, I would appreciate it very, very greatly if you would cancel that dinner invitation you gave to Yeji."

I couldn't believe her. Yeji and I weren't even out of the woods yet, and she just blabbered I'm about me, peeing inside my bedroom. And not to mention the fact that she just told her I thought she was cool and cute.

Welcome to the "Embarrassing Moments Of My Life Show!" hosted by My Mom. Yay.

In all honesty, how embarrassing could she get? The moment she mentioned it, I was praying for every god that I knew to strike me with lightning or something.

"Oh honey. Don't be overdramatic."

Overdramatic? Do you not consider what embarrassment feels mom?

She chuckles as she fixed the dress I had just worn. It was a light blue dress, the front showed my pale legs, and covered the back. A see-through silk was added on top of the light blue cloth, which added elegance to the dress. And the sleeves were embroidered with cute snowflake designs.

Mom sat me down on my dresser in front of a mirror so she could get started on my hair. "Yeji seems like a sweet girl." She says. "She seems polite and nice, and I can honestly see why you like her." She said as she was styling my hair into a wavy look with a hair straightener.

"Watch the ears!" I said as I felt the hot sensation grow closer to the side of my head.

"Calm down, I'm not even that close."

She must have noticed my silence, because she had that 'Motherly Look.' The one that can tell that something is wrong. Her reflection in my mirror seemed like we were about to have a heart to heart conversation.

Oh, boy.

"Honey, did something bad happen while I was away?"

Called it.

"No... Not really."

"Your lips are dry, and you play with your fingers whenever you lie or when you are nervous."


"I am your mother, Julia. Talking back is invalid."

"But I—"

"Does it have something to do with Yeji?"

I pouted in defeat because, well she's a mom. And when moms tends to guess things, they hit the bullseye. "Why do mothers have such a knack with guessing things correctly? I didn't even say anything yet."

"Come on, honey. You never kept anything from me. You will eventually have to tell me sooner or later."

Sighing, I placed my hands on the dresser, as I stare at mom trying to place clips on my hair. She styled it in an elegant bun, a few strands of hair was curled and rested on the side of my face.

"If I say anything, you have to promise that you won't judge me."

"Honey, I judge at runway shows. I don't judge when it comes to a situation you don't know how to deal with."

I took a deep breathe, gathering what little courage I had. "She asked me to be her girlfriend, but I didn't want to be."

"Why is that? Do you not feel the same way for her?"

"I did. But everyone would just laugh at me. And judge me. Call me names, just by being with her. People would say something about us whenever they see us holding hands, and it's too overwhelming to deal with. She never paid attention to other people, but I did."

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