Chapter 22

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As the doorbell rang, I finished setting up the living room table, placing multiple cans of beers and shot glasses.

I opened the door to see Yeji carrying four soju bottles on her hands with a depressed look on her face.

"Damn." I said.


"You look terrible." I joked.

"No time for jokes, dude. Lemme just get inside and get wasted." She walked past me and sat down on the floor to match the height of the table, placing the four soju bottles on the surface of the wooden furniture. I closed the door and sat down across from her.

"You're drinking all of that? With the beer too? We still have class tomorrow."

"Fuck school."

She opened one bottle of soju and started to pour some into the small cup, and immediately gulping it all down.

"So," I continued. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

After pouring and gulping down her second shot, she turned to face me. "I got rejected."

"By Lia? Well, that's new."

"Tell me about it." She said as she gulps down her fourth shot. She gestured for me to pass her a can of beer, and she cracked it open, gulping it twice.

"Yo, Slow down. I don't wanna clean your mess if you end up puking all over the place." She ignored me and finished the whole can of beer, which caused her to hiccup. "Pass me another one." She said as she placed down the empty can.

I did as I was told, and she cracked it open and gulped it down too. "How can she be scared of what people say? You and Yuna seem to be doing just fine." She complained.

"Why do you say that she and I are doing fine?" I opened a can of beer and started to take small sips.

"Because of the way she looks at you ever since you asked her out. What did she say, by the way?" Again, gulping down her can of beer.

"Still keeping it a secret from everyone. Except you and Lia. Mom and dad doesn't know."

"Does Chaeyeon know?"


"You should tell her."

"Some other time."

I took another sip and watch her finish her first soju bottle and two and a half cans of beer. I didn't even know she could drink that much. I bet she'll pass out after opening her third bottle of soju.

"What do I do, Chaeryeong? Being around her is bound to hurt after today. I mean, she rejected me for Christ's sake."

"Now you know how all of your fan girls feel."

"Dude, I'm serious. I don't know what to do." She hiccups before continuing. "I don't wanna look for someone else. I want Lia."

"Should I look for someone who has the same name—"

"Don't test me, dude. I'm not in the mood."

"That rhymed."

"Shut up."

"Well, if you want her that badly, then just go get her. No one's there to stop you."

"I wanted to, but I can't. She said she's too scared to be with me. That what people always say gets to her. I'm actually a bit happy that this was just rejection. I don't know if I could have handled a break up."

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