Chapter 40

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I was making my way to the cafeteria but Chaeryeong said that she needed to use the restroom, so I told her that I'd wait for her, but she oddly kept insisting that I can go ahead first.

"It's just a quick potty break, Yuna. You can go ahead without me." Chaeryeong said.

"I really don't mind waiting for you. We can go together."

"It's just... I might take a while..."

I tilted my head to the side, and quickly caught on to what she meant. "Oh okay. I'll get you some hot soup, so meet me in the cafeteria okay?"

"Mhm. Thanks."

As she disappeared behind the door, I turned my heel and started to walk towards the cafeteria, but then I remembered that I forgot what kind of soup she wanted.

I quickly jogged back, and when I opened the door, she was washing her hands on the sink, but her sleeves were rolled up and I could see another bruise on her arm. She quickly turned the tap water off and pushed her sleeves down in order to cover the bruise but she was a little too late, because I already held her arm.

"Hey, What happened to you!? Why do you keep getting bruises these days?" I questioned worriedly.

She had a shifty look on her eyes, before grabbing my hand and gently pushing it away. Although aware of my concerned reaction, she just rolled her sleeves down and shrugged. "It's nothing to worry about. I was helping my little sister move into her new apartment recently, and I got into a few accidents. But nothing I can't handle."

I took her hand and caressed each of her fingers as I pouted. "You're not lying to me, are you? If there's something going on, I want to know." I looked at her, and her eyes remained blank. I sighed and said, "You can trust me. I don't want to be pushy, I just want to know if there's anything I can do to help."

She instantly gave me a smile and pinched my nose. "I'm fine, Yuna. There's nothing to worry about. Like I said, I'm just helping my little sister move into her new home. Everything's A-okay."

I pushed her hand away from my face and gave her a small smile. "If you say so." I said. "You wanna head to the cafeteria then?"

She nodded and we both made our way to there. There were students that were occupying the tables, but among them, I could see Yeji with Lia, and a few others. I waved at them happily, and they waved back with a smile.

After getting our food, we sat down with them.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey! Guess who just entered an audition?" Yeji said happily while looking at Lia, who immediately fed her a cookie to shut her up. "It was supposed to be a secret." Lia scolded.

"Oh really? Sorry." Yeji said rapidly, but got smacked on the shoulder by Lia.

"Really? An audition for what?" Chaeryeong asked.

"For singing." Lia replied.

"I knew it!" I said as I pulled Lia into a tight embrace. "I knew you'd sing again! I can't wait to cheer for you!"

"Thanks, but a living person needs oxygen right now." Lia says weakly.

"Oh sorry!"

"Did you guys already make up?" I asked, looking at Yeji and Lia. Yeji rested her arm on the table and her palm carrying her chin.

"We did."

"Awesome! So... When's the show?" I asked.

"The filming is gonna start tomorrow. Probably at 5pm or something. But be early, I need moral support in case I go crying." Lia says as she chuckles.

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