Chapter 28

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"Can there be curse words in the lyrics?" I asked innocently, tapping my pen on the pad, as Sujin was tuning her guitar on her lap. She rolled her eyes at me. "Do whatever you want, Yeji."

"Okay, so what rhymes with fuck?"

"Hmm... duck, luck, pluck, buck, chuck, muck, puck—"

"I didn't think you were someone who's pure." I said as I let out a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You forgot suck."

"How does that make me pure?"

"Well, during sexual intercourse, you can suck so many things, like a dick, boobs, and—"

"Oh honestly!"

She smacked my shoulder repeatedly in irritation as I let out a laugh. "I'm just kidding! You seem to be so quiet today. Thought I might wanna brighten up the mood for you."

"Brightening up a mood don't gotta include unholy things, you trash-minded clown!" She continued to hit me until it was starting to hurt.

"Ow. Ow! Okay, okay! Stop it!" I pleaded, which made her retreat her hand and went back to tuning her guitar. "That hurts, you know." I whined.

"Suck it up, buttercup. You don't gotta cry about it." I chuckled slightly at her sentence. She crooked her eyebrow at me, annoyed. "What's so funny?"

"The way you said suck it up, buttercup just— OW! What was that for, you sadistic dislocater?!" I said as I complained about her hitting me on the shoulder again, probably dislocating it.

"For not taking me seriously, you halfwitted clown!"

"I don't own a circus, and I can't juggle. Stop calling me a clown!"

"You already are! You just need a costume and some make up for the actual look!"

I stood up from the bench after placing the pads of paper beside me. "You wanna go!?"

"Bring it!" She said as she stood up. We froze in silence before cracking a laughter with me. We both peacefully sat back down and started to do work again.

"Do you wanna practice this later?" She asked, but I shook my head. "Chaeryeong invited me to Soobin's party tonight. I could use a break from all the schoolwork." I said as I stretched my limbs.

"Are we still gonna see the zombie movie tomorrow?"

"Probably not. I don't trust myself not to get wasted with alcohol and I get terrible hangovers. But I promise that I can take you out this upcoming week, if neither of us have homework."

"Okay, sounds good." Her tone of voice was sad. I could tell she was a little upset because I decided to ditch her for a party, but I really need a break. I just hope it helps.

I place my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. She turned to me with a surprised look on her face, while glancing on my arm on her shoulder. "Don't be upset." I said, but then an idea pops into my head. "Hey, I know! Why don't you come with us to the party? To chill and have fun?"

"Sorry, But I have more than enough fun by myself already."

"Oh come on. It's our last year as high school students. Have you even been to at least one party?"

"I have. But I went home after 5 seconds."

"Lame." I said as I pouted. "Come on, I'll be with you every minute. I'll show you how to have a good time. Parties are meant to be fun."

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