Chapter 36

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The man on stage held his hand out as he waved politely to the crowd of students. But one thing is certain is that I wished for him to have never showed his face. Because I was literally at the brink of screaming my ribs out.

As soon as he was reciting his thank you speech to the student body, I felt my blood boil just at the very sight of him.

"They stopped the band playing, for him? This is fucking ridiculous." I said, clenching my fists.

"Hey, calm down. Don't be too pressed about him being here. We gotta know why."

"How did you know that he was going to be here?" I asked.

Chaeryeong heaved a sigh, and turned to me. "My dad said something about signing a partnership with someone from London. Told me that this was the biggest opportunity he's had in all his life. Your dad's business is way too successful, to just blindly sign a partnership with someone like my dad. And knowing your dad—"

"He always does anything to get what he wants. And if he can't have it, he takes it." I continued.

"Yeah, and if he wants something, then what?"

"He's probably here to try and manipulate Hyunjin into leaving me and mom behind. And going to London so Hyunjin can replace him."

"Yeah, but if it really were about Hyunjin, then what is he doing here, at your school. Last time I checked, Hyunjin isn't a high school student." Chaeryeong said.

I looked up at the stage, and saw him going down the stairs of the stage, and leaving the gym. I notice his eyes land on me, and mouthed something. I understood it as, Come with me.

"I'm about to find out." I said.

"You're seriously not going there alone right? What if he tries something sketchy?" Chaeryeong says worriedly.

"If that happens, take Lia home for me. Her mom said she's supposed to be back by 11pm."

"You're seriously gonna worry if she gets home or not? You're dad is scheming shit and you—"

"Come on. If he wanted my blood on his hands, he'd have done it by now. I'm gonna go see what he wants. Stay here, okay?"

I left the gym in search of him. I could see him staring at the floor and he tries to light a cigarette, while he leans on his car.

"Smoking is bad for you." I said. He turned to me, with a smirk on his face, as he lit the cigarette.

"That's very sweet of you to worry about your old man, Yeji."

"Oh, I'm not worried. You can get lung cancer for all I care. Smoke some more. Finish the world supply, why don't ya."

In anger, he threw his lighter near the side of my foot. It made a loud thump, but I didn't flinch.

"Now, now. Don't get too pissed. You wouldn't want to act all unprofessionally in front of your daughter now, would you?"

"Why do you keep acting like I punched your grandmother, huh?" He said in a serious tone.

"If I had, it would mean you punched your own mom."

"Spare me the bullshit, Yeji. Why are you here?"

I chuckled, as I picked up his lighter. I tossed it towards him, to which he caught without a problem.

"I should be the one asking you that. Why are you here? To try and manipulate me into letting you abduct Hyunjin?"

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