Chapter 33

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Huh. Well, Hollywood can't give me a good plot twist like this one. The lady who I had just met was actually the mother of the person who I need to fix my relationship with. I could only hope I didn't seem like someone who was a bad influence to her daughter. I have to play my cards right.

"Oh, do you two know each other? What a coincidence!" Her mom said happily.

"I-uh, y-y-yeah. Mom, this is Yeji. Y-Yeji, meet my mom."

Before I could say anything, Lia's mom chuckled lightly. "Oh so you're the famous Hwang Yeji I keep hearing about. It's nice to finally meet you." She held of both my hands and shook it lightly. I gave a smile to her so I won't seem to come off as impolite.

"Oh really? But I'm not really that well-known." I said.

"Oh no silly. I would often hear my daughter and her friend Yuna talking all about you whenever I'm home. Julia would often tell me how cool and cute you are."

My eyes lit up, and my smile grew wider. "Really?"

"No!" Lia interrupts. "Mom stop. That's not true."

"Oh don't be embarrassed, honey. This is nothing compared to the embarrassing things you did when you were still young."

"What did she do?" I asked.

"There are lots of things she'd done. But my personal favourite was when we were living in Canada, she would pee at the corners of her room at night, because she was too short to reach the door handle of her room."

I chuckled at Lia who stood there with her face beginning to turn red. "No way, really?"

"Yes." Her mom also chuckled, probably from thinking about the memory. "She also once used white food colouring to cover her cavities because she thought that her dentist was going to pull every single one of her teeth. When I found out she had done that, she was like 'Mom! Nooo! I don't wanna go to the dentist! They're evil, like Mother Gothel! They're gonna put a curse on my teeth!"


Me and Lia's mother started to laugh, because her impersonation was actually like how I imagined baby Lia would sound. And also because of Lia's embarrassment. "Wow. I wish I could have seen the moment. I bet it was pretty funny."

"Oh I still have it on tape. If you want, I can show it to you. Why don't you come over for dinner this upcoming weekend? There's even bonus ones, like embarrassing baby pictures that I could show you."

"Sure, I'd love to, Mrs. Choi. I'd really enjoy learning about Lia's childhood." I took a glance at Lia, who had her face covered in embarrassment while me and her mom chat like we were high school buddies.

"Well, I'll just go and check on a few more accessories over there. Would you like to join us, Yeji?" Her mother offers.

"No thanks, Mrs. Choi. I need to get home soon because I need to be early tonight."

"Oh really? Would you mind driving her to school tonight?"

"What!?" Lia asks in shock.

"Oh honey. Did I not tell you? I have a dinner party later, so I can't drive you. Would it be okay, Yeji?"

I could see Lia shaking her head behind her mother, telling me that I should say no, but I nodded happily. "Sure. I'd be happy to drive her."

Lia slaps her forehead silently. "Oh wonderful! Thank you so much for being so kind to my daughter."

"Mom, look! There's a gold necklace for sale over there!" Lia says as she points to the other side of the store. "Oh gosh. Where?" Her mom then dashed out of sight, in search for the golden necklace on sale. I guess that's one way to get rid of moms.

"You can't be serious, right?" I turned my head to see Lia with her arms crossed. "I am not letting you drive me."

"Well, you don't really have a choice, because Mama Choi just told me to drive you."

"I'd rather take the bus. Can't you just leave me alone? You keep popping up everywhere, and it's messing with my brain." She placed her hand on the side of her head and starts to massage it. As if I was giving her a headache. She tried walking pass me, but I held her arm gently, but with enough force to make her face me. Her eyes locked onto mine, as I stared at her with sincerity. I let my grip on her arm become loose, trusting that she won't runaway, if I become gentle.

"I know I'm the last person you trust. And I know I messed up, but I genuinely want to make things right with you. I don't want you to hate me. I don't want you to continue hating me. I want you to know that I'm truly, madly, deeply, am sorry. For what I did to you, and for whatever pain I caused you to endure. We...We d-don't have to go back to the way we used to be. I just want us to be cool with each other. That's all I want. Please."

The words fell out of my mouth like I somehow rehearsed it. But Of course that's not all I want, but if I come out too strong, you might runaway from me again. And that's the last thing I want you to do.

She looked down on the floor, as I stood there, hoping she would consider that what I said to her right now, was what I desired the most. Money, fame, or power can't compare to how much I'd want to be someone she could still count on. To someone she would call when she's upset. To someone she would need when the world is against her. I just hoped that I still have a chance to be that someone to her.

A little ray of hope will still be hope.

She didn't say anything, which caused me to let go of her arm. She turned from me and was about to walk away, but stopped in her tracks. "I'll see you tonight." Were the words she said, before jogging to find her mom.

And I just stood there, wondering if that was a good sign or not.

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