Chapter 11

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The moment I stepped into campus, I was bombarded with questions about what happened between me and Lia at the escape room. I don't know how the hell they knew about it, let alone started to make it their business.

I answered that it was a miss understanding, and that they got the wrong idea. The answer I gave the "interviewers" didn't seem to be pleasing, but nonetheless, went back to their classes.

Throughout the day, everyone's been constantly whispering whenever I came to their view. But I couldn't care less of what they had to say.

The bell rang and I decided to pack my things into my bag. As I was about to stand up and leave the room, someone from the other side of the room called my name.

"Hey Yeji. Is it true that you made out with that transfer student?"

I turned around to see Seo Seungmin who was known to be the school's jock. He had a nasty personality, which makes him such a jock-ass.

"Why's that any of your business?" I said as I turned my head to his way to face him.

"It was just a question, Hwang. Jeez. But, I didn't know you were into girls. Did you get a sweet taste of her too along the way? Did you make her scream?" He chuckled as his friends that surrounded him roared with laughter.

I felt my anger boil up by how he was disrespecting her. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled as I slammed my hand on the desk and stood up, making a grating sound from my chair.

"Hey girl, chill. It was just a joke. I didn't mean anything bad about it. I was just plainly curious if y'know." He said as he licked his lips. "You emptied all of her out."

I felt a vein pop out of my neck as I grit my teeth. Before I could walk over to land a fist in his face, someone grabbed a hold of my shoulder.

"Yeji, we have a meeting in the dance club. Let's get going." I looked up and saw Ryujin who was already wearing her black sweatpants and white crop top.

I was about to protest by smacking her hand off my shoulder but she gripped it tightly. She bent down and whispered "The position you're in isn't looking too good. It's better to leave. Don't add fuel to the fire, cuz it's gonna cause a mess."

I clenched my fist and my jaw as I grabbed my bag and hoisted it up to be hanged on my shoulder. I stepped out of the classroom with Seungmin laughing his ass off.

God, I feel like punching him.

"Before you go kicking people's ass, give yourself sometime to clear your thoughts. Lia's the one who's not gonna have a good reputation during this whole fiasco."

"Wait Lia. Where is she?" I asked as I snapped my head to Ryujin. She shrugged and said "I'm not sure. From what I heard so far, she went home today after just attending half of her classes."

"Damn it." She's probably overwhelmed with all the attention. I fished my phone out of my pocket and texted her.

Me: Hey, where are you? Did you really go home?

Usually Lia replies really quick, but something seemed odd about today.

Me: Is something wrong? Are you sick?

As we got to the dance room, Lia didn't reply or read my messages, so I just sighed and said to myself I would think about it later.

"All right, girls." The club president, Lee Chaeyeon says. Chaeyeon is actually Chaeryeong's older sister. They've entered so many dance classes when they were young, which is why I think of them as role models for this club.

"The music club is in hot water. The principal told the music club a few days ago to prepare a live concert for the Foundation Ball this upcoming June 28th. But unfortunately, their vocalist got into an accident and their guitar player moved to another school due to personal reasons."

A few club members started to whisper to each other, but Chaeyeon cleared her throat, calling our attention. "Can any of you guys play guitar? If you can, I'd like for you to go to the music club after classes tomorrow to practice with them. Can you raise your hand if you're willing?" Chaeyeon says as she raised her hand in the air.

None of us raised our hand right away, but I was in a few talent shows back in middle school but I'm not sure if I still remember how to play. But nonetheless, I raised my hand in the air that caused everyone to look at me.

"You willing to lend them a hand, Yeji?" Chaeyeon asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, why not? I can't promise I'll be good, but I'll be willing to try."

"Awesome. That's it for today, guys. Class dismissed." Chaeyeon says as she lets out her distinctive laugh, as every groans at her.

A few of the club members stayed to clean the room, but most already started to head home.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and saw that Lia never replied to my texts but just left me on 'read.'

I decided to just call her and hear from herself what her problem is. The phone made a ringing noise against my ear, but it went to voicemail.

"Damn it." I muttered.

I dialled it again, but it went to voicemail. I dialled again, and after a few seconds of waiting, she finally answered.


I was taken aback by the sound of her voice. It was Lia's voice, yet she sounded tired and very raspy.

"Hey, you okay? You sound kinda horrible."

"I'm okay." Then I heard a faint sniffle on the other line. That's what gave away that something was wrong.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked, worry evident in my voice. She didn't say anything, but just started sobbing. It sent a painful reaction to my heart just by standing here and hearing her cry.

"Wait for me okay? I'll come over in a few minutes." I said as I hung up and started to dash hallway after hallway.

I thought about how I could cheer her up a little, then an idea popped into my head. I made a phone call for a pizzeria on the way to Lia's house, asking for a large pineapple pizza, chicken wings and a couple of coke cans that Lia likes. I told them on the phone that I would come pick it up in a few minutes.

I got to the pizzeria and paid for the food and carried all of it with my two arms.

I walked to Lia's house, which was set on a quiet neighbourhood. Surprisingly, Lia and I lived in the same neighbourhood. I heard that a few months ago that there was a new family moving in just a few blocks down the street, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time.

I stood on her front porch, with a wooden door in front of me. I rang the door bell and waited.

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