Chapter 8

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

Yeji immediately pulled away right when our lips were about to touch.

I had almost kissed her. I was about to kiss her. STUPID RINGTONE!

I covered my lips and looked away as Yeji fumbled on her pockets in search of her phone that was playing a ringtone.

She fished it out and got a reminder. She pressed a button that stopped the ringtone's noise and turned to me. Her eyes were shifty and I fiddled with my thumbs together. "M-My performance is about to start. I need to go."

I nodded and started to pull the curtain and started to go with her to the main building where her club was preparing.

None of us dared to make eye contact with each other because it was so awkward. But my mind just kept running.

She leaned in, that means she wanted it to happen too, right? If she had pulled back then it would mean she didn't? I mean, I initiated it, so of course I wanted it to happen, but I can't tell what's running on her mind right now.

Argh. If only she had put her phone on silent mode.

She then stopped beside a room. Probably where the dance club was putting on their outfits and rehearsing.

"Well, bye!" I said as I tried to walk faster to avoid her but she held my wrist to prevent me from going anywhere. I wish she shouldn't have done that, because I was this close to actually have a heart attack.

"You'll watch my performance right?" She said.


"W-Well," she paused. She let go of my arm and raised it to the back of her neck and started to rub it. "I-I think I would perform better if you were there, that's all. A-And it would be your first time to witness a performance from the dance club. You wouldn't wanna miss it, I guarantee."

I stifled a laugh because of how cute she was trying to ask me to watch her performance. I looked at her, gazing on her confused expression. Probably curious why I was laughing out of nowhere.

"I'll be there." I said with a smile.

Her eyes lit up and and it brightened her whole face. It was as if a kid received their first happy meal in McDonald's.

She opened the door, and was about to go inside, but closed it again. I raised an eyebrow at her action, confused.

She suddenly extended her arms away from each other on opposite sides. I was about to ask her when she muttered something I couldn't hear.

"What was that?" I asked, signalling her to repeat what she had muttered.

"C-Can I get a hug? Before I go in?" She said. She was looking away, nervous to meet my eyes. The scene made me anxious, yet happy. So happy, I didn't think twice before jumping into her arms and was enveloped in a warm embrace.

This feels so right, I wish I could stay like this forever.

It felt like time stopped. Neither one of us were willing to let go of each other. It felt like the both of us wanted to stay that way, until someone cleared their throat.

"Hwang, it's not like you to be flirting out in the open."

Embarrassed, both of us backed away from each other, and I was met with a really pretty pink haired girl. Her head was popped out of the door in a small gap. The room where Yeji was supposed to go in.

"S-Sorry Ryujin. I'll go in now."

The Ryujin girl then went back inside and Yeji gestured for me to head to the auditorium where the performance was gonna be.

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