Chapter 16

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After useless arguing with Chaeryeong to let me out of the car, to which she refused to do so, left us in a silent drive for about 10 minutes. It was getting dark out, and I didn't seem to be familiar with where she was driving to.

I heaved a sigh and asked in annoyance. "Chaeryeong, where the heck are you taking me?" She didn't give me an answer and just kept driving with her full attention on the road.

I frustratingly paid attention to the road because she seemed to be driving out in the middle of nowhere. There was tall grass on either side of us, and a bumpy rocky road. The moon seemed to be full and bigger tonight. I would be in awe for a view like this, if it wasn't for the fact that Chaeryeong literally just kidnapped me.

She suddenly stopped the car which made me almost kiss the dashboard. I flew back to my seat and gasped at the impact. "Hey, watch it!" I complained.
Chaeryeong snorted a laugh, which made me crack a smile only for a millisecond, and went back to my usual resting face. I crossed my arms and legs in annoyance.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I'll cut to the chase. You have three options:" she clicked a button on her side of the seat which made the passenger door open for me. "A. You can leave right now and get lost in the middle of nowhere, B. Live in my car for the rest of your life if you decide not to tell me, or C. Sit there silently until you tell me why you're ignoring me. And until then," she reached to the backseat and held a cup of strawberry milkshake, and used the straw to poke the surface. "I'll be enjoying this delicious strawberry milkshake."

"Chaeryeong, this isn't funny. My mom's going to kill me if I come home late." It may have been a little lie, but my mom really would kill me if I come home later than 9pm.

"Don't worry your pretty little face about it." She said as she slurped some of the milkshake. I felt my cheeks burn slightly at her calling me pretty but I thanked the gods that it was night time so I didn't get to embarrass myself. She continued. "I already went to your house and told your mom about me burrowing you tonight. She's cool with it."

"You saying that so nonchalantly makes me think you went to the wrong address. She's never been "cool" about me going off on my own, especially at night." I replied.

She shrugged and just kept sipping. "I know a thing or two about smooth talking, cutie boo."

"Yeah, I know." I responded as I rolled my eyes at her. "Seems like you know your way around smooth talking with cute short girls too."

I took a glance at her and all she did was just look at me and blinking. "What?" Chaeryeong says.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but damn, it made my lips curve up and my mood boosting to a hundred. Even a thousand. "What?"

Holy crap, was she jealous?

She must've thought that her flustered face wouldn't be seen because of the darkness, but the moon illuminated enough for me to see that she went beet red after saying that. I found her too cute at the moment, that I wanted to tease and rile her up even more. Although it is a bad idea, but I couldn't help myself.

"Cute short girls give the best reactions if smooth talked. I couldn't help myself." I smirked and rested my elbow on top of the steering wheel and my cheek on my palm, observing her reaction carefully. I know very well that I'm being a jerk right now, but seeing Yuna being pressed onto her seat, pouting and staring on the other side of the field, was so cute, I felt like my insides were turning to mush.

"Oh so you did smooth talk her. Figures." She mumbled, but since we were close, I could hear the sentence clearly.

"Short girls turn into cute little tomatoes with smiley faces every time they're called cute." I replied.

Yuna tensed up and gripped the side of her arm in irritation. This was my signal that I knew I had to stop.

I reached my hand to her head gently, and made her turn to look at me. Her eyes looked angry and a little misty, that it made me want to just cuddle with her all day and not let her go. "Short girls are cute," I said, to which Yuna reacted bitterly by smacking my hand away from her head, but I rested my thumb and index finger on her cheek, scooping the fat up and lightly pinching her cheek. "But Yuna is cuter."

Her eyes were big, but now they got even bigger. Probably the biggest. She gave me a blank look, but with her mouth agape. Her reaction looks so cute. I keep calling her cute today, but I'm not complaining since she is a total cutie.

With such an adorable reaction, I chewed on my bottom lip to avoid the growing smile that was plastered on my face.

I'm feeling way too happy with this.

"Chaeryeong," she called. I turned my head to her, and my eyes widen to see tears threatening to fall on her face.  "What am I to you?"

"What?" I asked, not knowing what she clearly meant.

"A few days ago, we went to the amusement park. You waited for me, got me waffles and even rode the Ferris wheel with me even if you were scared. And back at the school festival, you just went with me to the escape room because of your bet with Yeji. You even got me milkshakes because you told me that 'It's what friends do.' And now you kidnap me, forcing me to tell you this, while talking about other girls that aren't me. And then you call me cute." She covered her face, hiding her tears that finally fell and sobbed. "Can you just tell me what I mean to you? Am I just a friend? Am I anything more to you? Be honest."

I fell silent to everything she said. I like her. I do like her. But everything would never turn out okay in the end. My family would never approve of us. And even if they did, I would have to take over Dad's company. I'd have to graduate as soon as I could. But work would mean time away from Yuna. And time away from Yuna is something I didn't like.

I wanted to just enjoy being with her. Hanging out, going on dates, texting and seeing each other. But I never knew that I was playing with her like this. I didn't ever meant to play her. Yuna was my personal vitamin. And I wasn't about to let her go.

Screw what my parents want. Screw whatever the hell people might think of me. This ball of weeping sunshine next to me is what I'll ever need. I took a breath, and finally said it. "I have feelings for you."

"What kind of feelings?" Yuna asked.

"The kind that would hurt me," I said, and looked at her two misty brown orbs. "If you say that I'm just a friend to you."

Yuna looked blankly cute again, but this time, happier. A smile plastered on her face made everything better today. I wanted her signature toothy smiles, but I guess her being cute will have to do.

I drove her home that night with the feeling of anxiety, fear, and mostly joy. I know that everything in the end, would have me and Yuna separated from each other, but I guess it's just being human to be selfish and just enjoy what you have at the moment, before it all goes away.

Before everything falls apart around you and I, I'll make sure to love every single thing about you before we part.
I promise that, Yuna.


     New Yejisu story!"The Girl From the Other Realm"This story contains the fantasy side of Yejisu, who are two different beings

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     New Yejisu story!
"The Girl From the Other Realm"
This story contains the fantasy side of Yejisu, who are two different beings. One is Human, One is not. The story follows a comedic side, but also another possible tear jerker love story! If this is your cup of tea, go check it out!

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