Chapter 41

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I excitedly put on my shoes and wore my leather jacket, not forgetting to plot the black cap on my hair. I grab my car keys that was resting on my desk and went downstairs, only to find Hyunjin sitting in the couch playing on his phone. He seemed to be all giggly and smiley that I couldn't help but cross my arms and smirk.

"Aww, is my precious little brother going out with someone?" I teased. "Who got you all smiley in an afternoon like this?"

"S-Shut up Yeji! It's none of your business." He spat out quickly to which I stifled a laugh.

"I'm going out, and I might be back late. Lock the doors and windows before you go to bed. There's something edible in the fridge in case you go hungry." I said as I placed my hand on the doorknob but his gasp caught my attention.

"You mean you didn't cook for me!? You're so irresponsible!"

"You always eat cereal and chips anyway. Your belly's gonna get bigger and bigger before you realise you're pregnant with calories."

"Whatever. Get out of here already, you're annoying."

"Back at you." I taunted.

"Reflecting back to you."

"Diverted and headed towards you."

"Pivoting and marching your way."

"Okay, you're annoying. See you later."

I close the door behind me, and I remembered that I have to drive to a bakery.

It was supposed to be my surprise for Lia. Even if she doesn't pass, I want to at least make her feel like she did a good job. I don't know how a cake is gonna do that, but in my perspective, it's still better than nothing.

"It's 60,000W please." The worker says.

Yikes, that's almost half of my allowance.

Screw it. It's for Lia anyway.

I handed the money to him and got my change, but as he was about to put the cake inside the box, I quickly called out to him.

"Uh, excuse me. Is it okay if you could write a message on it?"

"Oh, certainly miss." He took out red icing that was inside a piping bag and looked at me. "What should I write?"

"You did a great job. I promise to be by your side, no matter what. I love you, Lia."

"Is that all?" He says as he starts to write the words on top.

"Oh—uh, can you put a little heart at the end?"

"No problem."

After he placed it inside the box I went outside the store, happily, only to have my smile drop, as I see Sujin.

"Uh... h-hi Sujin." I said awkwardly.

"Hey Yeji."

Since she didn't seem to say anything more, I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the car and was about to go inside but her hand stopped me.

"C-Can we talk?" She stutters.

Wait, right now?

"Uh, sorry. But I'm kinda in a hurry. Maybe some other time." I said as I opened the car door, but she forcefully closed it using both of her hands.

"Please. Let's talk. You avoided me last week, and I don't want you to be mad at me anymore." She insisted.

I look at my wristwatch and it was already 4:50pm. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the audition show, and I'm going to be running late if I keep letting her stall me like this.

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