Chapter 30

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The night was so beautiful. And boy, did I have some fun.

The crowd in front seemed to be enjoying our performance so much it made Sujin's smile wider. I smiled at her because she finally have had some fun after thinking that parties were boring.

I glanced at the crowd and I saw Lia sitting on a bench and she looked a bit tipsy and tired. She had her eyes closed, which made me feel a bit worried and thought that she needed to go home.

Suddenly, the speakers got cut off, and when everyone looked to their sides, they saw Ahn Yujin placing her phone on the speakers. The speakers suddenly let out a different type of music. I couldn't recognise it because I was a bit dizzy because of the alcohol. She went over to us and took the mic away from Sujin, and her drunk eyes landed on me.

I'm so screwed.

She made her way closer to me, each step felt like I was about to get in trouble, the more she got closer. She suddenly threw the mic chord over my head, and I felt it being pulled, so I stumbled my way towards her. My body almost crashed against hers so I'm thankful for my guitar for acting as a barrier between. My face twisted in disgust because she was waaay closer than what I would have liked. Then she started to sing.

I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And you got me walking side to side

I'm talking to you
See you standing over here with your body
Feel like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin

My eyes widen at her, who was singing "Side to side" by Ariana Grande. The crowd started to hype us up even more, instead of getting her away from me.

I ducked down and escaped the chord that held us together only to be pulled back by my arm, as she held me and still went closer, as she sang more lyrics.

I'm comin' at you
Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter cuz you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin

I yanked my arm away and started to back away. I noticed that there was a pool behind me, and Yujin suddenly dashed towards me, in an attempt on pulling me closer again, but I stepped away as fast as I could, which caused her to trip and crash into the pool.

The crowd cheered and suddenly stopped when the speakers got cut off again. Everyone turned to the backyard door next to the speakers, to see a man and a woman standing, arms crossed and pissed off reactions.


Because of his parents arriving, everyone had to leave the house. As Sujin and I were about to enter my car, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Soobin carrying Lia's drunk body to his side. The sight made me feel a bit jealous and sad, but nonetheless, asked him what he wanted.

"Hey Yeji. Can you take her home for me? Mom wants me to clean the house up and I can't drive her home." He says. My eyes landed on Lia, who was struggling to to keep her eyes open.

"No problem." I know I hesitated a bit, but I still needed to help her out. As her body crashed on mine, I purposefully held her close for a good three seconds, because I had missed her. I didn't think I had missed her this much.

I opened the backseat and placed her there, not forgetting to put on her seatbelt for her.

I got inside my car and drove off.

"See? I told you parties are fun." I stated. Sujin could only laugh and nod in agreement. After dropping her off, I took Lia and made her sit on the passenger side, so it was easier to keep an eye on her.

The drive was so painful, because she was literally right there, and I couldn't do a single thing. Not even hold her hand. How did I become such a masochist when it comes to her?

As I arrived to her house, the lights were off. Her parents must not be at home. I was hesitant in touching her, but there's no one else who can bring her home, so I had to just suck it up.

I placed her arms around my shoulders, and let her body crash on my back, as I lifted her legs out of the car. I locked my car, and piggybacked her to her door. I turned on the lights, and it hurt my eyes a little. Lia groaned in annoyance, because of the light, so I took her to her room, after locking the front door.

I placed her on her bed, as she started to mumble things I couldn't hear nor understand. I thought that I should take her shoes off so she could be more comfortable.

As I was untying the laces, my eyes landed on her legs. And because she was wearing shorts, I got a good view of them. It was white and plump, and I was tempted. So tempted, that I had gulped my saliva down. We were alone in the house. We could do whatever we wanted. We could—


"Ow! Fuck!" I got distracted with her legs, I didn't notice that she lifted her foot so harshly, which landed on my cheek. And because she still had her shoe on, the pain was worse. I stumbled back and landed on the floor as I groaned in pain. I almost thought she kicked a tooth out.

Okay, fine. I deserved that for being a pervert.

I took off her shoes and placed them down on her floor. I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water, went back up and placed it on her nightstand. Since water is helpful during hangovers, I thought she might need it.

It must be her first hangover, since it always puts you in a deep sleep, and she was snoring like an ogre. I sighed, and thought that I should make her some rice porridge, so that when she wakes up, she can eat it and make her feel better.

I turned off the gas when I was done cooking it, but I noticed that I had emptied out her fridge.

I guess I'll buy those groceries tomorrow. I didn't even have permission to use anything in the house. I turned the lights off downstairs, and went to her bedroom one last time.

I covered her shivering body with the comforter, and checked if she had a fever, just in case. She wasn't burning up, so I was glad.

I took a good look at her face, and she was sleeping like an innocent, new born baby. I hesitantly reached, and placed my hand on her hair, caressing it gently. My hand moved down to her face, and on her cheek. I used to always pinch her cheek, and it still felt so plump.

I can't believe I lost you.

Although I wanted my hand to stay on her face, I pulled away and sat down on the floor, my back resting on the side of her bed. A part of me, wanted to leave and go home, and the other part wanted to stay by her side.

I should stay and make sure she's okay when she wakes up. Then apologise for using 90% of her fridge. I hugged my knees and uncomfortably went to sleep.

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