Chapter 17

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I've been getting a feeling that someone was watching me. My hair would be standing on end, I would get random goosebumps while walking in the hallway, almost like I'm being stalked by someone. I would always get a knot in my stomach, like something was about to happen, but nothing seems out of the ordinary, like usual.

This never happened, until today.

"And that concludes our topic for today, class." Mr. Kim says before the bell rang. "I will be giving you a quiz tomorrow. Coverage is Energy Conversion, Law of Conservation of Momentum, And problem solving regarding the topic of Electricity and Power. All three are included in your finals, so you kids better have a passing grade or your college applications won't look so hot."

After gathering his things, he left after. My next period was P.E. but someone said that Ms. Yoo was absent, so I have a free period.

I decided to stop by my locker because all the books inside my bag were getting too heavy to carry. As I turned the corner to find my locker, the hallway was so empty. Not a single student, teacher or staff in sight. It was dimly lit, and it was so creepy to be here. It was like I was entering a haunted school where there were still vengeful spirits out to get humans.

But nonetheless, I never believed in ghosts, but the vibe really was creepy. I walked to the hallway bravely, even if my legs were trembling along the way. I entered the code to my locker, and it opened, making a loud clicking sound that echoed in the empty hall. As I started to place my books inside, I get that feeling again. Shivers went up my spine, as I turned to each side, I still found no one.


"Gah!" I screamed, startled by the voice that came behind me. I turned to see Yujin, who had a forced smile on her lips. Despite her grin, her eyes told me she was anything but thrilled to see me.

"Oh, it's just you." I said, as I breathed out a sigh of relief, because it wasn't a ghost.

"Just me? Are you not thrilled to see me, Yeji?" Her tone of voice got snappier as those words left her mouth.

"What are you— No, I'm just glad that it wasn't a poltergeist or something. The hallway does look pretty creepy as you can see." I chuckled nervously as I pointed my palm to the hallway that was dimly lit.

"I doubt the school is involved with any paranormal activity." She says. "But what I do know, is that someone who is super popular with her dancing skills, decided to ditch me for some transfer student."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you trying to say?"

She let out a maniacal laugh, that was mixed with arrogance as well. She was starting to creep me out, and something inside my head said that I should run like hell, but at the same time, I was curious of what she was talking about.

Suddenly, her vibe changed into a darker one with just the look she gave me alone. And I really should have considered running away already. "Are you seriously that dumb when it comes to my feelings?" she said as she clenched her fists to her sides.

"What?" I asked, confused. I regretted asking that, because I was a little terrified with her furious look.

"Yeji, I've known you since we were freshmen. I've liked you, since we were freshmen. And then I come to school, with rumours flying around that you made out with that Choi Jisu girl back at the festival."

I was taken aback by her sudden confession. I wanted to explain to her that I have feelings for Lia, but my personal life isn't even any of her business. "I appreciate your admiration. But I—"

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