Chapter 19

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Everything today has been doing all right. Except for the fact that Yeji practically stuck like glue with me all day. It's not that I hated it, it just felt new since she's never done something like this before.

Sure, she would buy me lunch, hang out with me, kiss me(asking always included), but I've never seen her this way. And I can't even tell if it's good or bad.

"I'm here." I said as arrived to the classroom. She didn't have the same class as me, and would usually give me one of her signature pouts, but this time, she just looked cold. To my surprise, she bent down and aimed to kiss me, in front of students who were passing by the hallway, but I immediately backed away before our lips could touch.

What the heck?

"Hey, What gives?" She complains. I shrugged and gestured my gaze to the students who were noticing me and her and shooting glances. "You're worried about them?" She asked.

"Just... later, Okay?"

She stayed silent for a moment before muttering an "Okay."

I put my head down and entered the classroom, and sat beside Yuna, who was on her phone texting.

I felt like my heart was about to explode. She's never been assertive like that, especially with that many people around. I know that I told her before that I'll try to be strong, and not let what people say get to me, but it was much harder than I thought.

"Hey, Choi Lia!"

I snapped my head to the side to see Yuna glaring at me. "I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes? You gone deaf or what?"

"Ms. Shin Yuna."

Oh crap.

Both Yuna and I tensed up as we slowly turn to Ms. Chou, who's stare would make us think we had a death wish. "I didn't have my morning coffee today, so please tell me that you both were paying attention."

"W-We weren't—" Yuna started but I bumped her leg with mine, signalling that she should really not continue saying what I think she was saying.

"We're sorry ma'am. It won't happen again." I said. Ms. Choi gave us a look, before turning back to the blackboard and started to write something using her chalk. I bent down and shielded my face and turned to Yuna. "We almost just got in trouble you idiot!" I whispered.

She did the same, and whispered "Well I wouldn't have screamed if you would have just answered me when I called you the first time!"

"Alright, fine. You win. So what?"

"You're not usually the type to be in deep thought. I kept asking you what was on your mind, and you kept ignoring me!"

My thoughts were suddenly filled with Yeji's odd behaviour lately. How she wasn't saying anything to me, how she wouldn't even tell Chaeryeong anything, and how she tried to kiss me in front of everybody earlier. I couldn't help but just sigh at the three thoughts and rest my head on my desk.

"That bad, huh?" She asked, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'll tell you about it later."

Class was over, and it was time to head home. I packed my things inside my bag and wore it on my back. I was walking towards the door, when someone called me.

"Yo, Ms. Transfer student!"

I turned to see Yeonjun, one of the famous school athletes, waving his hand out to me. "Come join my party this Friday night. I heard you haven't been to one ever since you transferred. You should come too, Yuna."

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