Chapter 6

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Weeks have passed since then. Me and Lia got close, along with Yuna of course. But I haven't seen them much because I was always getting called for dance practice on my free time.

The teachers had a meeting and we were going to be performing live on stage for the annual school festival. I've been doing this for 2 years ever since I could remember. I love dancing, and I could see myself inside my own studio one day.

The festival was going to be in 2 days, and right now, it's in the middle of the night. Me, Chaeryeong, and a few other club members are still rehearsing for our performance.

We had mirrors on our left and in our front and I could see that some of the members weren't in sync anymore. I walked to the speaker and stopped the music.

"Guys, let's try again.  The group aren't in sync. Some of us are moving Too slow or too fast." I said.

They all dropped to the ground out of exhaustion. "Can we take a 10 minute break, Yeji? I'm at my limit." One of the dancers said.

Some then started to agree, so I nodded and let them catch a break. As the other dancers started to walk towards their bags and pull out water bottles, I noticed an obvious student still standing and practicing the moves on her own.

"Hey Ryujin." I said as I pat her on the shoulder and smiled. "Not tired?" I asked.

She stopped dancing for a second and looked at me and shook her head. "I wanna make sure I do the moves right. I don't want myself to perform on the stage half-prepared."

I nodded in agreement. Ryujin is one of the most talented dancers in the club. Along with Lee Chaeyeon, Kwon Eunbi, and Choi Yena just to name a few.

Ryujin and I met through our passion for dancing, and we instantly clicked the moment I joined the club. And surprisingly, she and I have the same dream. Only, we have different ways of approaching our future.

"You're still planning on going overseas to start your dance studio?" I asked. She nodded as she started to stretch her arms. "I aim to be one of the best dancers in the world. What better way to do it than make a name for yourself in the States?"

I've always admired Ryujin for how passionate she is in everything she does. The fire in her eyes just lets you know that she isn't a quitter.

"Anyway, how's Heejin doing?"

The moment I mentioned that name, her smile looked brighter. "Doing good I think. Probably cramming something about calculus for an entrance exam for college."

"Are you gonna be okay? Doing the LDR thing with her I mean? You and her are almost inseparable. You're still set on going to the states after we graduate?"

Ryujin looked at me as her smile slowly started to get dim. "You know I can't un-love that girl. But I can't just give up on my dream too. I'll just wait and let things flow."

And just like that after the conversation, everyone started practicing again. Ryujin's words were wise, yet mature. She knows where her priorities stands. And yet, even though she might break Heejin's heart, she still looks like she can move forward.

I guess when people said that the right love can sometimes exist in the wrong time, play a huge part on how your life changes.

I hope the love I get won't turn out like that.



Starting this morning, everyone has been preparing for the festival and I could mostly see the freshmen excited about it. The classrooms I passed by were all decorated in various themes. I noticed a cafe booth, a snack bar booth, a horror booth and even an escape room.

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