Chapter 3

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Me and Yuna exchanged looks before looking at the duo. I looked at Chaeryeong and she had a smug look on her face while looking at me and back at Yeji.

Yeji's face looks super beet red, to the point that she almost looks like a real tomato. But I can't help but notice her eyes. Her eyes looked comforting, even though they were small. Yeji then looked at me and her eyes widen and we both ended up having a staring contest.

Until Yuna clears her throat.

"Hi Guys! So we're gonna be a group huh? Why don't we talk about our plans about the project? And Lia, stop this awkward staring contest with Yeji."

I hummed in response, and Yeji shook her head and her face didn't look as red as before.

"R-Right." Yeji stutters. "I'm not available later. I have to attend dance practice with my club members."

"Oh right!" Chaeryeong says as she snaps her fingers. "Ms. Momo said we have to do rehearsals for the school festival." Chaeryeong said as she slumped on her seat in disappointment. "Uggggh. But we rehearsed last week already." She complains.

"Well how about we just meet at the library tomorrow? Let's say, 1pm?" I suggested.

"I'm down with that. We can just do the research individually and compile it tomorrow." Yeji says as she started to put her notebooks inside her bag.

"That settles it then?" Chaeryeong asks as she stood up and stretched her arms.

"Hang on a second. Let's give each other our numbers. So it'll be easier to communicate." Yuna says as she took out her phone, and everyone did the same and started exchanging numbers.

The rest of the day passed and I haven't seen Yeji or Chaeryeong for the past 2 classes. The bell rang and Yuna and I stood up.

"Hey, I need to pass this to Mr. Kim." She said as she raised a notebook. "Let's meet at the exit in about ten minutes?" She asked.

"Sure, but you don't want me to come with you?" I asked.

"Nope. I'll be okay. Besides, I'm just passing a notebook. Not going on a secret mission." Yuna said as she giggles and wore her back pack as she dashed out of the room.

I sighed and started walking to the exit.

I stopped in my tracks as I went in the wrong direction. The halls looked unfamiliar and I don't think I was anywhere near the exit.

Damn it. I thought I memorised the way by now.

I started walking and I don't think I was going in the right direction. Just then, I heard a voice.

"See you later, My Love! I hope you get enough rest! Your choreo always looks too hard—"

"Shut up Ahn Yujin. Go home."

I heard a familiar voice. It was Yeji. I turned around the corner and saw them outside a lit classroom.

"Aww, fine. Take care!". The girl then blew Yeji a kiss as she walked away. Yeji looked uncomfortable but I didn't pay attention to her face, and instead her body.

She was wearing a black tank top that showed her abdomen and black sweat pants. Her hair was tied back in a high pony tail that showed her sweaty neck. She was panting and visibly sweaty. Probably because of practicing.

I didn't realise I was staring at her until someone pointed that out.

"Who are you peeping at, sweet cheeks?"

"AHH!" I screamed, and jumped out of cover. Yeji turned her head and saw me with a shocked expression.

I turned and saw Chaeryeong smiling widely, obvious that she was trying so hard not to laugh. She was carrying two cups of milkshakes. One looked pinkish and the other looked brownish which I would just assume is chocolate.

"Oh Chaeryeong. There you are. Come on, Ms. Momo will be back any minute." Yeji says as she made her way towards us and grabs the chocolate milkshake from Chaeryeong's right hand. Before she took a sip, she looked at me and raised her right eyebrow.

"What are you doing here Jisu? It's late." Yeji asked as she took a sip on her milkshake.

"— I—" Huh? What's with you all of a sudden!?

"I got lost." I said, trying not to act as nervous as I possibly can.

"Oh really?" Chaeryeong said as in a teasing tone. "Is that why you're here?" She said with a smirk plastered on her lips.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered. Self, I would appreciate it if you would stop stuttering or else they're gonna know that you've been staring at Yeji's magnificent body—

"Oh why didn't you say so?" Yeji said as she starting pointing directions for the right way to the exit.

"Take a turn to your left after that, and go straight. You should be able to find the exit then."

"Y-Yeah. Thanks."

Yeji then gave me a small smile. "Let's head back Chaeryeong." Yeji went inside the room again and left me with Chaeryeong. I looked at her and she still had a smirk on her lips.

"What?" I asked.

She stifled a laugh and pointed at the left side of her lips. "You got a little something there, peeper."

I touched my lip with my palm and I realised that my saliva had escaped a part of my mouth.

Oh my god. Was I drooling?

Chaeryeong laughed again and started to walk towards the room. But before she entered, she looked at me again and said "If you're curious, yes she's single. And I just wanna let you know that you've got good eyes."

"Good eyes?" I asked cluelessly.

She laughed but it wasn't a loud one, as she covered her mouth when the laugh escaped. "Yeah, good eyes for checking out hot bods."

I felt my cheeks flushed as Chaeryeong disappeared into the room.

I made my way towards the exit, following Yeji's advice and saw Yuna.

"Where were you? I specifically said ten minutes!" She exclaimed, too close to my face that I noticed her breath smelled of strawberry.

"Did you eat something?" I asked.

"Strawberry milkshake. Now let's go home."

I thought about it, but there aren't any stores that sell milkshakes around the school. There is, but it's a 30 minute walk from school.

So where did she get milkshake from?

"Did you get milkshake from Chaeryeong?" I asked, teasingly.

"What—No! Shut up!" Yuna defended.

I started teasing her about it as we made our way home.

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