Chapter 35

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When I said that I wanted to make things right with her, I was hoping that she would believe me. I would honestly beg on my knees but desperation might not be the correct answer.

Sujin once told me that love isn't always the right answer. And I was quick to believe that what she needed was to love herself instead, but how would I actually know that it's what she really needs? Whatever she's dealing with, I really wanted to help.

But when earlier, she said she wanted to change her dress, did she say that because she was afraid it would make her stand out too much?

Could it really mean that she doesn't have enough confidence in her self?

Damn it. I said I wanted to help her, yet here I am, staying silent in the car ride. I feel so useless, I wish I could just help her in some way.

The car ride was silent. I guess that this was a bit too much for her. I sighed, as I manoeuvred the car to turn left. After that, she broke the silence and I was taken aback by her sudden question.

"Is there something going on between you and Sujin?"



"Are you and her dating?"

"" I cleared my throat and used the time to fully digest her question. "What brought you to ask the question?"

"You and her seem close. I thought that maybe you were going out with her."

"Well, it's not true. She's just a friend that—uh, helps me with things that I need."

"Which is?"

Advice on how I can make the girl I love come back to me.

"Music stuff. Like, playing the guitar correctly."

"I see."

The car ride went silent after that, and I still wanted to question why she had asked me that.

Was she jealous?

Those three words in my head made me happy, as I tried not to smile. Maybe she really does still have some sort of feelings left for me. But I shouldn't get my hopes up.

We arrived at the school, and it already looked so packed. I parked the car, and made my way outside, to which Lia copies.

"I don't know about this..." she muttered.

"You look great. Just hold your head up high. You do want people to see how pretty you look tonight, right?"


On the other side of the car, she stood frozen. I made my way towards her, and gently hold her hand. I caress the back of it with my thumb, in an attempt to comfort her. I lock my eyes with hers, and I really can say she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She stared back at me, which caused my heartbeat to go faster.

I give her a smile, and tug on her hand.

"Let's go." I lead her towards the entrance of the gym, where people were already chatting with each other. I noticed Yuna and Chaeryeong among the crowd, so I walked towards them, still holding Lia's hand.

"Hey guys." I said. Both of them turned to me, with a smile on their faces.

"Hey Yeji!" Yuna says as she waved to me, but when she turned to Lia who was behind me, she immediately ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"You look so pretty, Lia!" She exclaimed.

Lia's eyes shifted to me, and I gave her a smile, telling her that it's going to be okay.

I then felt a someone tap on my shoulder. It was Chaeryeong.

"We need to talk."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Talk? About what? Can't it wait? I need to go up on stage soon."

"No. You don't understand. Something isn't right with tonight, because it's—"

"All band members, please come up the stage now for the opening performance. Thank you."

I turned to Chaeryeong, with a smirk. "See? I told you. I'll see you later okay?" I said as I jogged closer to the stage.

"Yeji, Wait! It's—"

"Okay, now that all the band members are here, please give them a round of applause!"

Then the first song was played, as the sounds of all our instruments combined, and turned the night into one big stage of symphonic harmony.


This is bad. This is really bad.

I was too late, now it's only a matter of time before he shows up. As Yeji and the other band members played two songs already, the crowd was hyping them up, and I should hype them too because she was my best friend, but I really couldn't because I was too nervous.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see Yuna who had a concerned expression on her face.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem worried about something."

I gulped nervously. I couldn't tell her something this personal to Yeji. I didnt have the kind of right to do something like that in the first place. I just need to stay calm, and hope for the best. Which is unlikely.

"I'm fine." I said as I took her hand and held it.

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm. Don't worry." I said as I gave her a quick smile, and turned to the stage, where the band was about to play their 3rd song.

But suddenly, Ms. Minatozaki stepped on stage, and whispered something to Soonyoung, who then stopped playing the drums. The other band members turned to look at Ms. Minatozaki who was signalling them to stop playing.

The crowd was in confusion, because of the sudden interruption by Ms. Minatozaki, But Yuri then passed her the microphone. Then the band members started to place their instruments down on the far end of the stage. Then, Ms. Minatozaki spoke.

"I apologise for the sudden interruption of the performance, but I would like to welcome our special guest who had just arrived. But as always, Please welcome, our beloved principal, Mr. Lee Han Jae."

The crowd clapped their hands together, as Mr. Han Jae went up the stage.

"Thank you, everyone." Then the claps died down. "Before anything, I would like to thank you all for coming to an event like this. It really means the world to me. And for this event to be made possible, I would like to thank the faculty members for planning such a wonderfully thought out program."

Yeji made her way towards me. "What's going on? Why did you guys stop?" I asked.

"I don't know. Ms. Minatozaki said that the special guest was in a hurry, and that he needed to go soon. Probably the reason why we needed to stop playing."

"Yeji, there's something you need to know." I said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" She asked.

"And for this event to have such marvellous and prestigious presentation, I would like to introduce to you..."

I took a deep breath, and finally told her,

"Yeji, your father is here."

"Please welcome, Mr. Hwang Min Hyun!"

Then on the stage, appeared a tall man, walking so professionally as ever. A man that Yeji despises. A man that my parents worked under. A man, who holds power. Combine all those traits together, and you're gonna be feeling one hell of a stormy weather.

Something bad is going to happen. I just know it. But whatever it is, I need to keep Yuna out of it.

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