Chapter 38

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I always thought that I would end up hating her. But I guess sometimes, you have to eat your own words for the better.

It's strange. Back at Canada, I was never a gutsy person. I didn't have that many friends, I didn't hang out with other people that much. It started off terribly, and that talent show made things worse.

People had began to ditch me, and steered clear of me. My own friends made fun of me, and people started to bully me.

Singing used to be a part of me, but that part of me was the reason why I'm just not cut out for taking risks anymore. I thought that if I could show people that I was great at something, I would have praise, compliments, and sincerity from them. Turns out those selfish expectations blew up in my face, now I can't seem to grow out of it.

Was it so bad to want to be appreciated by just a few people?

Was it so bad to just try so hard so people could like you?

Thoughts like that became normal for my 15 year old self. And I think it still haunts me, now that I'm already 18.

"I guess some people just can't leave the past behind." I muttered.

"What was that, honey?"

"Huh?" I look up to see my mom in her glasses as she slurped her plate of pasta. "You murmured something just now. Is something the matter?"

"Ah, no. It's okay, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said as I chuckled.

"Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you that your uncle Tommy is going to be visiting us today."

My eyes lit up as I heard his name. "Really?"

Uncle Tommy was by far, the best uncle in the whole wide world. He's mom's older brother, and he often would take me to so many cool places like theme parks and aquariums while I hung out with his kids, a.k.a my little cousins.

"When is he gonna be here?" I asked.

"In a few minutes, I believe. He'd just texted me, and said that he got an Uber to take him here."

"What's he doing in Korea? Just for a quick visit and sightseeing?"


Ding dong.

"Well, speak of the devil. Can you get the door, honey?" Mom says as she picked up my empty plate and hers and walked to the sink.

"Sure." I said as I stood up and opened the door. And mom was right, it really was him. He was also the reason why I had gotten into singing, and gave me singing lessons himself. He was Asian, just like my mom, but he'd travelled all over the world, I won't even be surprised if he knows Thai, French and Portuguese.

"Uncle Tommy!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, Julie!" We both greeted as we both shared a quick hug. "How's my little sweet cheeks been? You got quite tall, huh?"

"Still at 162cm." I said defeatedly.

"Really? That's so short."

"Don't humour her, Tom." Mom chimed in.

The three of us went to the living room and sat down together.

"So, What are you doing in Korea, Uncle Tommy? Are you here for sightseeing again?" I asked.

"Close, But not quite." He pulled his bag forward and pulled out a flyer. It was like a fancy rockstar poster, with a caption, "Voice of the Night."

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