Chapter 31

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As the morning rays landed on my half-opened eyes, I felt a strong weight in my head, like an elephant was sitting on it. I forced myself to sit up on my bed as I groaned in pain. My head was throbbing, but I immediately forgot about it when I saw a person hugging their knees next to my bed. I half expected it to be my mom, but she said her flight got delayed, and now there was a stranger sleeping on my floor.

"Intruder!" I lifted my foot with all my might and used the strength to kick the person's head, sending their whole body falling on the floor.

"Ouch! What the fuck!?" When the stranger sat up, I didn't even need to see their face to recognise that Yeji had been in my room. She groaned in pain, touching the area of her head where I had kicked her. But as soon as we both locked eyes, no one dared to say a word.

Suddenly, I felt like throwing up, and I dashed towards my bathroom and vomited on my toilet.

"Woah, are you okay?!" Yeji said in a worried tone. I didn't pay attention to her, because I felt my throat burning. I tried to grab my hair behind me, but I couldn't because I would clench the toilet seat.

I felt a pair of hands collect my hair behind me, which gave me a more comfortable feeling as I continued my business. I wiped my mouth as I pressed the handle to flush my vomit. I stood up weakly, as I felt her let go of my hair.

"H-How do you feel?" She asked.

I didn't answer her and made my way back to my room, as I saw a bottle of water on my nightstand. I opened it, and gulped the liquid down. After I had calmed down, I saw her standing awkwardly, a meter away from me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down on the bed.

"I... wanted to make sure you were okay. I thought that you might not know what to do during a hangover, so I stayed here for the night. I...uh hope you don't mind."

"As a matter of fact, I do mind. Now please show yourself to the door." I placed the water bottle on the nightstand and crossed my arms.

She clenched her lips together in awkwardness, but before she could walk any further away, I notice that there was a slight bruise on her cheek.

"What happened to you? There." I said as I pointed on my own cheek, so she would know where I was talking about. She placed two fingers on her left cheek, and she hissed in pain.

"You...uh..." She said nervously. "You...kinda kicked me in the face last night...while I was taking off your shoes."

"For all I know, you actually deserved that."

She gave me a face, as if she was saying "Yeah, no kidding." She shook her head rapidly, as if she was trying to force her head not to hurt because she was probably having a hangover too. She has to have a hangover. After drinking so much last night.

"Oh, I uh... made you some rice porridge. It helps during hangovers. I cooked it last night, but I ended up using all of the ingredients left in your fridge."

I was about to complain about her using things in my house without my permission but she spoke quickly, cutting me off. "B-But I plan on going to the grocery shop to replace everything I've used. And uh...s-sorry for using things without your permission. I... just wanted to help."

I heaved a sigh and stood up. "I see."

I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs. I found a red pot on the stove, which I was guessing, her homemade rice porridge. I carried it and placed it on the table. I took out two bowls and two spoons out of my dish rack, and turned to find Yeji on her way to the door.

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