Chapter 15

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Mixed signals, Mixed signals, Mixed signals. All you ever gave me are just crazy and frustrating mixed signals.

First thing I notice, you're into me, but the next? You act like I'm just a nobody. After that, you treat me like we've been best buds since our thumb-sucking era. And then you treat me like I'm someone special to you again.

"I've had enough!" I said as I slammed my hands on the table, startling my friends who were eating their lunch in peace.

Jang Wonyoung stared back at me with a shocked expression and Jo Yuri who was clearly annoyed. "Wtf? Seriously, Yuna? You need to disturb my peaceful moment with my pepperoni pizza? Not everyday the school serves us pizza, you know."

I sighed and dropped my head onto the table, making a thud noise. "My brain just hurts." I mumble.

"And why does your brain hurt, little one?" Wonyoung says with her mouthful. I turned my head, that made my cheek touch the table now as I glared at Wonyoung. "I'm older and taller than you, missy."

"At least I don't have to deal with such a complicated dating life." Wonyoung says as she sticks her tongue out at me in a playful manner.

I groaned and banged my head on the table. "Really? Why? What happened with Chaeryeong?"

"After our da— I mean hangout, she sorta ditched me. And didn't text for the next two days. And then texted me earlier saying she wanted to meet up, but had to flake out on me since she said that there was an emergency." I took out my phone and showed them the message. I heard a few whispers around the cafeteria but I didn't pay much attention to that.

"Dang, that's a bummer." Yuri says. "So what are you going to do now?"

I brought my hands up to my head and messed up my hair as I gripped on the strands. "That's what I'm trying to figure out. I haven't seen her since—"

Whispers around the cafeteria started to get louder, as I notice people looking to the counter where people usually order their food and grabbing their food trays.

I easily spot Chaeryeong's figure amongst the crowd, but she carried two food trays and walked over to a girl who was really short. She had dark, wavy brown hair and cute fat cheeks. But I didn't pay attention to the rest of the details when I notice Chaeryeong handing the shorter girl a food tray, and stood in line with her.

"Is that the new girl?" Wonyoung asked.

"What new girl? A transferee?" Yuri asked.

Wonyoung nods and jerks her head towards the girl. "I heard that there was a new Japanese transfer student. Yabuki Nako's her name, I believe."

After getting their trays full of food, Chaeryeong and the short girl went to a table where Yeji and her dance club members were. They didn't sit down right away, so I'm guessing Chaeryeong introduced Nako to the people who sat on the table. After that, Chaeryeong pulls a chair for Nako, to which Nako then sat comfortably, and Chaeryeong sitting down and started chatting.

I grit my teeth and clench my fist around the milk carton I was drinking from. I felt the milk spill a little from the squeezing pressure of my hand, and Yuri just chuckled along with Wonyoung.

"What'd that milk ever do to you?" Yuri asked, completely aware of the fact that I was so not in the mood after witnessing Chaeryeong, flaking out on me to be going to the cafeteria and sitting together with someone she barely knows.

I blew a strand of hair away from my face in annoyance and decided to look out the window.


Yuna wasn't talking to me.

Every time I would walk pass her, she wouldn't even look in my direction. Every time I would wave a hand, she would pretend that I was just some pocket of air and pass by me.

She would still hang out with Yeji but completely ignore me. I had enough and decided to wait for her to walk to the entrance. I have my back resting on the lockers with my bag hanging on my left shoulder, my eyes drawing holes on the tiled floor.

I look at the entrance and finally saw her amongst the crowd of people, since her blonde hair sticks out like a sore thumb. I saw her eyes land on me for a split second and look in another direction again. She tried passing by me again, but I stepped in front of her, blocking her way.

She made an attempt to pass me again by moving to my left, but I quickly stepped again, blocking her. She stepped to the right, but got blocked by me again.

"Can you move?" She said in a snappy tone. I squinted my eyes in irritation and looked at her in the eye. "Why are you ignoring me?" I ask.

She seemed to hesitate with my question, but didn't fail to look me in the eye. "I'm not. I'm just busy."

"Busy for two weeks? Midterms are over. What are you so busy for?"

She scoffed on annoyance and made an attempt to walk pass me, but I blocked her which caused her to lightly collide with my body. She immediately backed away from the contact, although I would have pulled her closer if it were up to me.

"You're schedule is free period right now. You aren't busy." I said as I grabbed her hand. "Let's have a little chat, shall we—"


A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Choi Yena jogging towards us with that always charming smile. I roll my eyes at her.

"You wanna head to the library now? You told me you'd tutor me before my next physics class." Yena says as she grabs Yuna's other free arm.

"Yeah, sure." Yuna says as she gave Yena one of her toothy smiles. I grit my teeth at the sight. She almost walked pass me, but I tugged on her arm harshly that sent her stumbling back and crashing to my body again.

"She's not coming with you." I said. Yena arched her eyebrow at me while still holding Yuna's hand. I stared back at her, not blinking once.

"Actually," I felt Yuna straighten up from the impact, and yanked her arm away violently from my grip. "She needs help. And I've said before, I'm busy."

And with that she disappeared with Yena. I can't believe her. I'm going to force a conversation with her later whether she likes it or not.

It was now sundown and everyone was on their way home. I sat in the driver seat of my car, waiting for a certain blonde to come out of the campus. Her figure was visible now, and with Yena still. The sight of Yuna giving that girl all of her toothy smiles made my blood boil.

Once Yena left, Yuna was waiting while standing patiently, the setting sun coloured her beautiful face, that made her even more irresistible.

I stepped on the accelerator so hard, my car felt like it was in a racing track. I stepped on the break quickly, and lunge over to the passenger side, opening the door, and attaching my two hands, one around her waist, one on her head, and pulled her inside the car as safely as I could. Once she was in and still processing the situation, I grabbed the opportunity to lock the passenger door and quickly pulling her seatbelt and locking it.

"Chaeryeong what the—"

She didn't finish her sentence, because I sped up and drove away which caused her to gasp and close her eyes from the scary moment. I'm not having this ignoring bullshit with her. I'm going know why she's doing this, even if I have to force it out of her.

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