Chapter 20

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(A/N: This chapter contains extreme amount of sugar. You have been warned.)


"Yeji this isn't funny!"

She led me inside her house where I found two dogs that were about to charge at me. Thankfully, there was a couch to my right, so I immediately jumped onto it to escape the dogs.

"You could have told me to prepare to meet dogs!" I held my two knees up as Yeji let out a laugh. I felt something sniff my fingertips, and saw the black furry creature was looking at me. "Hey! Don't sniff me!" I yelled.

Yeji pulled the black one away which caused it to lick Yeji uncontrollably. She started laughing and ruffling its black fur. The dog started to give her kisses which caused me to smile. I look down on the floor to find the other dog sitting quietly with his head tilted to the side.

I cautiously reached my hand out to it, which made him lick my fingertip and went closer causing me to caress it's brown fur.

"Y-You're a fluffy little guy." I said. The dog started to lick my hand as I giggled again. "Looks like both of you got yourselves a new favourite." Yeji chimed in as she pouted.

"Why? You jealous?"

"Not at all. You both suit each other. Both of you are brats." She taunted.


She chuckled and brought two cages and placed the black one inside and the brown one in another.

"Let's go?"

"To where?"

She chuckled and placed the two cages inside the car. "You'll see."

After the drive, I noticed that the destination was a stadium. We went inside, and there were no people in sight. Just the swaying green grass, the cool breeze and a clear sky in the 4pm afternoon.

I turned around to see Yeji taking the leash off of the two furries and made them run around.

"Are we here to train them?" I said as the black one came running to my feet and sniffing me.

"Not really." She said as she pulled out two frisbees. One was pink and one was yellow. "Pick a colour."


"I knew you'd say that." She handed me the pink one and started to tap the frisbee on her leg. "Insam! Insam! Come here, boy!" Insam then came running to Yeji, as Yeji threw the frisbee in the air. Insam, the black furred one immediately chased it and caught the frisbee in his mouth.

"Wow!" I said.

"Cool right? Come bring it back, Insam! Bring it back, boy!" She made cute clicking sounds with her mouth as she called Insam, but Insam sat down in the grass and started to chew on the frisbee.

"Of course you don't listen to me." Yeji muttered as she pouted.

"Hongsam, go fetch it boy!" I threw the frisbee in the air and it flew, but Hongsam ran after it, chasing it. Soon enough, the pink frisbee was caught between his teeth.

"Good boy! Bring it back here, come on!" I said as I tapped my legs. Hongsam made his way to me and placed the frisbee down near my foot and sat down as he stared at me. I started to pat his head, complimenting him. "Who's a good boy? It's Hongsam! That's right, Hongsam is the goodest boy in the whole world!"

I started to run his belly to which caused Hongsam to lie down and let me tickle him. I giggled as I did.

"Pretty unfair how I'm the one who takes care of these two for 5 years, yet they betray me by replacing me with you." Yeji complains as she gave Insam a treat to which Insam ate happily.

"How did they replace you?" I asked as I giggled.

"By being nicer to you, when they clearly knew me longer."

"You're overreacting."

Insam made his way to me, asking for a treat, and I gave him one and caressed his head. I threw my pink frisbee in the air, and Insam chased it and caught it between his teeth. "Good boy! Can you bring it back here, Insam?"

Insam then made his way to me and placed the frisbee down, and opened his mouth. I fed him a treat. "Good boy!" I complimented.

"Yeah, clearly I'm overreacting."

I giggled evilly. "You're babies are mine now."

"Nuh-uh. Those babies are still mine. But I also got a new baby."

"Really? Where?"

In one swift move, she placed one arm behind my back, and one behind my legs and lifted me up, like how a groom would carry his bride. I squealed in shock, but also started to laugh.

"This one cute baby dumpling right here." She said as she laughed.

"What a very rare way of showing your chivalry."

"It's rare since I'm only chivalrous with the one who not only stole my heart, but my two doggos as well."

"I'm happy I get to steal hearts then. Especially with three cuties."



"What'd you just call me?"

"I called you donkey."


We both giggled and she placed me back down the grass, in sitting position. As I sat on the grass, Insam and Hongsam started to play with each other. I felt Yeji sit down behind me and wrap her arms around my stomach, making me sit between her legs. Her chin rested on my shoulder, as my head rested on her shoulder.

"Your heart is beating." I said as I felt her cardiovascular muscle.

"Because I'm healthy." She smiles cheekily.

She caressed my stomach, which made me feel more of her warmth. She suddenly pinched the side of my stomach gently, so it didn't hurt. "Your belly is really cute."

I slapped her arms. "Did you just call me fat?"

"But your tummy really is cute. I like pinching it."

"First of all, I have a slim figure. That's just normal fats."

"That's what they all say." She laughed lightly.

"How do you feel right now?" I asked.

"Happy. Very happy right now." She took my both of my hands and intertwined it with hers, her thumb caressing the top of my hand. "You have small hands, yet they fit perfectly with mine."

I raised my hand and softly bit the top of her hand. "Ow! Hey! No bities!"

"Don't call my hands small."

"Your hands aren't the only thing that's small, cutie. I feel like I'm hugging a cute puppy right now." She snuggled closer and gave me a peck on the cheek, to which I giggled.

She suddenly buried her face on my neck which tickled me a little bit. "Hey, t-that tickles."

"Sorry, But I just wanna ask you something, and please don't look at me until I do."

She went silent for a moment, which made me a little nervous. Her hands suddenly tightened around my stomach, causing me to be confused.

"Ask me what?"

A slight pause came, but the next thing she said made my stomach do cartwheels.

"W-Will you be my girlfriend?"

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