Chapter 32

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"What's gotten you in such a happy mood so early in the morning?" Sujin says as she sat down next to me. The band members decided to come early in the morning for a general rehearsal. The Foundation Ball was tonight, and the gym was decorated with all sorts of props that would often be found in prom nights. Disco balls, a buffet corner, chairs and tables, and all that  stuff.

A crew decorated it last night, with the student council helping.

"Nothing." I replied as I smiled shyly, thinking about the moment with Lia yesterday. It was a good sign. That she still cared, and might even want to fix things between us. I never felt so ecstatic in my life. Knowing that we could hang out again, now that people didn't have to pay attention to us anymore. We could go back to how things used to be. I even lost sleep last night because I kept thinking about her.

"Okay, 'lady who lost sleep thinking about someone who's clearly special to her'. But Yuri and the other two are here. Let's get some practicing done before you be a victim of Cupid, yeah?"

I look to the gym entrance and there was Yuri with Jihoon and Soonyoung carrying their instruments. "Help us set up the instruments on stage, will ya?"

"Roger that." I stood up, and went up the stage, and started to prepare the speakers, and helping them set up where different instruments were going to be placed.

"Did the student council decorate this place? I gotta say, this is definitely one of their greatest work, despite trying to stop students from sneaking in cigarettes in the school campus." Soonyoung says, who let out a whistle in awe.

"I think I heard that the principal actually got help from some rich successful guy who has a top tier company in London."

"You mean like a sponsor?"

"Probably. But I think I heard that the rich guy himself is going to be attending the event, out of gratitude from the principal." Sujin says who was tuning her bass.

"Oh really?" I said as I started to turn my guitar as well. "That guy must be real nice then. Especially helping the school with such an event."

People outside the campus might say that The Foundation ball sounds fancy, but the event itself is really not. Students don't need to dress up too formally, since it's just a teacher's event. But they invite students along, to make it seem like an important gathering. The Foundation-part is just where the principal gives a speech, and the ball-part is just for show. The gym setting looks like prom, but the event itself is far from prom. And since it's not really about the students, we just like to wear casual yet fancy looking clothes, that makes it look like we're going to a dinner party hosted by some rich kid.

"And there's even that one kid who wears sweatpants and a T-shirt." I said. If someone had the guts to wear that sort of clothing to a teacher's event, you'd think they'd be expelled. But teachers also don't give a crap about this event. It's all just a big "fancy" gathering to show the principal that we're here, but we don't want to be at the same time. If this event was called "Foundation Ball" for the principal, then for the students it's "Turtleneck Collection" for students, because it's what almost everyone wears to the event for four years straight.

"Oh that was me." Jihoon chimes in. "Plus, I don't see anything "fancy" with an event like this. Its always just been about the principal's boring thank you speeches he recycled from one of those boring birthday cards at the mall. I'd rather go home and sleep."

"Too bad you're in the band then. Sucks to be you." Soonyoung teases.

"Shut up."

"Well, he does have a point." Sujin says. "It's always just about the principal. Since students were never the highlight for this event, so we just don't care about what we wear."

"I second that."

"Alright, guys. Let's get some practicing done."

The band practiced until late in the afternoon, like a little about 2pm. I skipped lunch and I was pretty hungry, so I decided to stop by the mall and grab myself some lunch before I go home and get ready.

I just ordered two tacos since I didn't feel like having a full course meal. I walked around the mall, and one store caught my eye that had a pair of silver earrings on display. The gem on top had a cute design of a light blue gem. It was probably an aquamarine gem. It looked so cute, and I would thought it would look great on Lia, since her favourite colour is light blue. I entered the shop, and made my way towards the earrings. I was about to grab them, when another hand appeared, and grabbed it. Confused, I looked up to see a woman with straight, jet black hair, who seemed to be fairly young. With just one look, she already seemed so familiar. And I just met her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She says to me. "Were you about to take this?" she said as she points to the earrings.

I pulled my hand back, and shook my head politely. I smiled and replied, "Oh no, I'm sorry ma'am. I was just going to check it out. It looked very pretty and it reminds me of someone I know. You can take it."

"Oh I see. Well, I really did plan on buying one of these. My daughter especially likes the colour, and I thought it would add a nice touch to the dress I designed for her."

"Wow, are you a designer?" I said as a compliment. She smiled and nodded. Her eyes disappeared when she did, and she really looked familiar. I nodded as well. "Your daughter must be lucky to have dresses made especially for her by her mother."

She gave me a smile as she took the box where the earrings were. I would have bought that for Lia, but I can't afford such a thing.

"My daughter is going to an event this evening, and I wanted her to look her very best. Julia is sometimes picky with her accessories. If she says it won't fit the style, then it won't fit the style. What a decisive little girl I have raised." She says as she chuckled. But one word stood out when she was talking about her daughter.


"Hey, mom!"

The voice came behind me, and it sounded all too familiar. The lady in front of me smile and waved to a person behind me. "Hi honey. I found these earrings that might look great with your dress. Do you want to try it out?"

I turned around, to see Lia. Wearing a denim skirt and a plain white shirt. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail, and she also had her mouth hanging open when she saw me.


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