Chapter 37

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As promised, I did say that I would take Sujin out for a movie after school. So that was what I did, but the movie sucked as hell.

"That was plain terrible." I said.

"Really? I thought it was okay though." Sujin said as she threw the empty bucket of popcorn on the trash can.

"Nah. It sucks when the main character dies from a zombie bite. They're the main character for a reason! Why do they have to die?"

"Because that's how the story goes. Deal with it." 

I shook my head as we both stepped on the escalator that was descending to the first floor. We were making our way to the parking lot, because it was getting late, and we still have classes tomorrow.

"You're seriously a walking contradiction, you know that? Who the heck likes zombie movies but can't handle blood and gore?" I said.

"Well, I exist. And blood is gross."

"You have it running through your whole body!"

"You don't have to remind me! Shut up!"

We both chuckle as we made our way to the parking lot and trying to find the spot where I parked my car.

"We should do this more often." I said as I pressed a button on my keys that made my car blink in the distance.

"Do what often?" Sujin asked.

"Hangout? You're basically really fun to be around."

She stifled a laugh, as if she didn't believe what I said.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"It's just... after you dissed me back there, you're suddenly all complimenting. Who's contradicting now?" She said in between her laughter.


We both got inside the car and the ride was short, since the mall is pretty close to the neighbourhood. We were both making jokes along the way, when we got to her house. Since she had extra books, I decided to help her carry them as we both made our way to her front porch.

"Thanks for helping. I can take it from here." She said, as she gestured for me to give her the books, so I did.

"Oh right. I forgot to thank you for helping me with that song."

"Even though you never got to sing it? That was such a bummer. We did all the hard work and it just—"

"Hey, it's okay. I'll get to sing it to her. Maybe someday."

Sujin stayed silent for a moment, as she looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. I stretched my lips into a small smile and pat her shoulder.

"I'll get to sing it to her. I promise. So don't be sad anymore."

"That's not what I'm sad about."

I raised as eyebrow, as her eyes turned into somewhat more of anger. Maybe even disappointment.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You told me you and her were okay now, and you still have feelings for her, don't you?"

"I do."

"And what about her? Does she still have feelings for you?"

I fell silent to her questions, but I still had hope. "She still might." I replied.

"And what if she doesn't? How do you know that? You're willing to spend your time, blindly following her like a dog, when you don't even know if you're still special to her?"

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